This article was posted 05/15/2006 and is most likely outdated.

Electrical Safety and Health Manual

Topic - Safety
Subject - Electrical Safety and Health Manual

May 15, 2006  

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Electrical Safety and Health Manual


From time to time we come across free manuals and when we do, we pass them along to you. The following is a link to a free Electrical Safety and Health Manual provided by the US Government and the University of California.


The document contains general requirements for all Laboratory work involving the use of electrical equipment and systems. Also included are terms, definitions and an appendix outlining the effects of electrical energy on humans. The document states that all managers, designers, users, installers, and others who service or operate electrical equipment—including those used for research and development (R&D)—shall comply with these requirements.

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  • Sorry I forgot the second link. Here is a link to the DOE EH&S site where more Lessons Learned are available.

    Ken Lillemo

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