As someone who has worked in the past on a new nuke with second thoughts about the economonic and safety issues my mind is made up. As a species we cannot stop meltdowns because its like almost everything else, it is all about the money. False economy nearly caused a reactor containment failure and god knows what else Davis Bessey brought to you by the same penny pinching private power company that started the last big blackout on the east coast. Speaking of blackouts, they are very dangerous to nuck powerhouses since we require only 4 hours of backup power and when all the power is gone things start getting hot, boiling hot, Tokyo Electric Power lost 4 reactors and they had the required 8 hours of backup power until it drowned in the same tsnumi that destroyed the grid connection caused by the earthquake that almost certainly damaged to these plants cooling systems to begin with. And it is not over for the Japanese with this nuclear nightmare.What to do with the waste produced at nukes is an unsolved issue and this is not a small issue. Building out our renewables,drastically better fuel economy for cars and trucks, dracastic new standards for efficiency in everything that consumes power has never been looked at seriously and needs to be. The interests of the well lobbied few cannot continue to destroy innovation that is vital to solving our energy needs. If you can't picture smaller cars, windmills, solar produced power and hot water, factories that use 80% less energy you haven't been to Germany. I can picture those things here and if all of the equipment is manufactured here I can also picture jobs by the millions. Sam Woods April 23 2011, 11:21 pm EDT