Jim Burke – Quanta Technology – Fellow
Chuck Untiedt – Udder Chaos Inc.
Abstract: Stray voltage has become a major concern, in recent years, to humans as well as dairy cows. The problem is that dairy farms have considerably different requirements than the general customer population. Meeting the farm criteria may become much too expensive (and unnecessary) for all classes of customer service. At this point in time, the utility
industry is trying to install one standard for all their customer classes. The purpose this paper is to present the dairy farmer and the utility sides of the topic. This is done via authorship by a utility consultant and a dairy farmer. Ultimately, the purpose of the paper is to allow
for both the utility and the dairy farmer to reach agreement over this long standing
Click here to read or download the paper (7 pages, 167 KB)
I saved this one. Thanks Mike. Great paper! I learned a lot from it. I underestimated that problems in eliminating stray voltage. I realize that delta connection does not give us a true neutral leg-it's either corner or mid winding. But also wye-wye is unstable. 5 wire sounds great but wouldn't this require some wye-delta hook up for the transformer? Maybe I missing something here.