This article was posted 01/18/2011 and is most likely outdated.

San Bernardino Electrocutions


Topic - Safety
Subject - San Bernardino Electrocutions: 3 Family Members Die

January 18, 2011
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San Bernardino Electrocutions: 3 Family Members Die in Freak Electrocution

Image1In San Bernardino, California, a downed power line electrocuted a man outside his Southern California home on Friday, January 14, then killed his wife and son as the two each attempted rescue in the family's backyard.
San Bernardino firefighters arrived to find three bodies in contact with an arcing 12,000-volt electrical line in the backyard, but it was too dangerous to free them, fire spokesman Jason Serrano said. A utility company finally cut the power and coroner's officials were called.

Authorities said the father, Steven Vego, had heard a "pop" early Friday, went outside and was trying to douse the backyard fire when he touched the power line, which he may not have noticed. "The mother went out to assist him and she, too, became a victim," Serrano added. The mother was found lying on top of her 21-year-old son who also had been electrocuted, said San Bernardino Fire Captain Michael Bilheimer. The teenage girl and another brother, 10, were inside the home and were not harmed, authorities said.

"This is an unprecedented event and obviously tragic," Bilheimer said.

The victims were identified as Steven Vego, 43; his wife, Sharon, 42, and their son, 21-year-old Jonathan Cole, according to Cindy Bachman, a spokeswoman with the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department.

California's Division of Occupational Safety and Health and Public Utilities Commission were also both investigating.

Reported by Amy Taxin, Huffington Post
Associated Press Writer Robert Jablon contributed to this report from Los Angeles.

Click here to read the complete story.



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  • I understand your concern Dale, but I wonder if there are any studies showing the percentage of injuries or fatalities in above-ground lines vs. buried lines.

    Buried lines aren’t without problems: Out-of-sight also means out-of-mind. Excavators dig them up, problems with swimming pools, old unmaintained street lighting and other municipal systems causing electrocutions to people and animals coming in contact with metal junction box covers, etc.

    Mile-for-mile, is there any hard evidence that buried is safer?

    DoItRite  January 19 2011, 12:52 pm EST
  • Reply from: Jose A. Guillen   January 24 2011, 12:00 am EST
    Imagine a damaged buried wire exposed and making contact with rain water in a flood every where their is dangers even driving to work and at work at home the correct wording is AWARENESS, EDUCATION, PREVENTION for us and others of all the dangers that surround us being redundant in safety.

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