This was a day we all will never forget, not only for the loss of life but for the realization that our Military and Government was caught completely off guard. I still to this day find it hard to believe how many indicators were missed or ignored. I still find it hard to believe that the country with the biggest military in the world did not have one fighter jet ready and armed for any type of attack and had to put planes in the air with no missles on board to save time, and then when they did get in the air, send them out over the atlantic. No one even knew who had the authorization to shoot an airliner down for over two hours. I wish I could believe that things have changed but I don't. Don't get me wrong, I love our military and what they do. It is the ones in charge that were caught off guard and had no idea what was going on or how to react. The most amazing thing after that happened that day not one person took blame for anything, not one person was removed from their job, not one perwson lost a days pay for the biggest failure in our history of our intelligence and military security.
The only m en who did their jobs that day and will never be forgotten are the police and fire fighters who gave tieir lives that day, they are the onnes I will never forget. Richard Murphy