Thank you in advance Mike for taking a crack at simplifying this standard and making it easier for everybody to use.
Live work permits - when they are required... If the work is "routine" I.E. voltage testing, measure load, or resetting motor overloads... These tasks can fall under work practices that are pre-written and kept on file...
130.3 Exception No. 2 (typically simplified approach). A lot of people don't fully read (or understand) the notes and limitations to Table 130.7(C)(9) when applying the simplified approach... They look at this as a loop hole to keep from doing analysis.
I hope you can add a section to your book on what would help with justification for doing a full Coordination and Arc Flash study vs. using the simplified approach...
110.6 (C) required training for release of victims, first aid and CPR...
General comment - A lot of people believe that wearing the PPE gives you cart blanche invitation to do energized work.
Thanks for all you do for the trade Mike... God bless you... Mike Tribout