Our small company has went from 20 to 4 field employees this year. I had to let some good people go that really hurt me, they were good people. We were heavy into shopping center work and that has all but dried up. Now we are going after what little commercial work is out there with everyone else including industrial and residential contractors.
All of the jobs I am bidding now are going below cost to do them? I dont understand how these electrical contractors can continue to do this. I do expect bonding companies to be taking over several jobs soon in Alabama.
I am a little prepared for this, only because I took a beating when wire and conduit went up so bad about 6 years ago and I was under large contracts at fixed bid cost. That tought me to be a lot more conserative, so my company can hold on through this, if it dont last for years......and to be honest I am about ready to temporarly close for a while to let the people bidding below cost get their fill, or go under, then open back up when the market is better.
Example: Before I had my last lay-off I bid a $211K job at COST to keep good people working and got beat by 2 electrical contractors! After that I decided, no more. I will bid normal with a smaller profit and if I dont get it so what.....let em have it.
Good luck to all of us, maybe what few nego contracts we all have left with our good customers will keep us all going. Mike Whetstone