We are living day to day! A hand up would be real nice right now. I remember having a backlog of 4-6 weeks now we are at 4-6 hours. I have 1 2 man job scheduled for tomorrow. I have 5 field employees. 4 JM, 1 A, 1 helper. The phone has stopped ringing. Unlicensed handyman are working for less than wages, IBEW guys on the bench are side jobbing, the list goes on.
We cut almost everything to stay in business, including my pay! We did however increase our marketing budget and are looking at other ways to gain exposure.
The getting paid part has always been a problem. It seems worse now. We are "writing off" $15K this month as uncollectible debt, which will of course wreck our P&L for the month and then carry out to the end of the year.
We'll survive but we'll be scarred. Tim