Careful About That Great Deal on e-Bay!
Careful, counterfeit products are sometimes sold on eBay. We want to give you the heads up because not only is it a criminal, prosecutable offense, but there is the added risk to you of potentially harmful software being loaded onto your computer. In addition, you are paying (upfront) for what you believe is a genuine item and that’s what you should receive.
EBay is a great site that allows people to sell off personal items of theirs which they no longer have a need for - and yes, this might even include Mike Holt products!! You may not be able to determine if the re-seller is legitimate, but you certainly can reduce your risk, by taking a few extra steps:
- Look out for a seller that has lots of the same item being advertised – especially if the item is a DVD or PowerPoint.
- View Sellers Other Items: you’ll get a sense if they’re just selling off their personal stuff.
- Don’t be fooled by the pictures: sometimes the seller will post photographs and descriptions taken directly from the legitimate vendor’s website.
- Make sure that you look at the product carefully when you receive it and that it matches what was advertised – images can usually be found on the vendor’s website.

Thanks go to a great friend and customer for contacting us. He bought what he thought was a legitimate Mike Holt product on eBay and had huge doubts when he opened the package. He contacted us immediately. We reported the copyright violation to eBay, and the seller has withdrawn his products from the website. The money was refunded to the customer and the counterfeit DVDs were destroyed. Thanks Daniel!
If you buy Mike Holt products from eBay, or any other on-line source, and you receive merchandise that looks reproduced or compromised, please contact us immediately. We want to know of anyone that is illegally reproducing our books, DVDs or PowerPoints. Don’t be taken advantage of.
Call us at 888.632.2633, or email Mike directly at,