People may complain about too much government regulation, but what I'm looking forward to in the near future is a United Nations Occupational Safety and Health Administration with the power to jail bosses who put their people in danger for no reason but boosting already bloated profits! No doubt so are a few of the men in the photos, who obviously did what little that they could do to protect themselves.
The safety training, hard hats, respirators, eye protection, safety shoes, heavy equipment, etc. etc. not provided in Third World nations has added up to big profits for a few.
Don't think it can't get this bad here in the USA. Unregulated capitalism is a competitive race to the bottom for safety standards, etc. If you laughed at the poor souls in these photos, you'd better take hold of prejudices. Will you laugh when it is your grandson or granddaughter in working conditions like these? Maybe some of the photos were taken in the former Motor City, Detroit! Kermit Leibensperger