This article was posted 12/08/2008 and is most likely outdated.

Interesting Question from an Engineer


Subject - Interesting Question from an Engineer

December 8, 2008
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Interesting Question from an Engineer


I’d like to ask your opinion on compression couplings versus set screw type. I work for an A & E firm and have been an electric power engineer for 48 years, and counting.  Our company standards call for compression couplings exclusively and have for as long as I know.


However, contractors who I respect for their experience and integrity (which is not all of them) state that set screw fittings are equal and in some ways better than compression.  And I think I agree, at least do not disagree, as I do not and never have regarded conduits as grounds. That being the case, I see little reason for compression couplings in most of our projects which are not in areas of high vibration, long vertical runs, long distanced between supports, conduit abuse, etc.


Your thoughts would be welcome.


Thanks, Kevin Cassidy


Mike Holt’s Response: Kevin, I never could figure out why compression fittings were part of specifications; to me SS fitting are equal to or better than compression fittings.
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  • Mike --

    Some of us are old enough to have used crimp couplers and connectors on small (1/2") EMT. These hold super tight and fit easily thru 7/8" drilled holes and the connectors thru 1" holes.

    Deformation of the conduit inside is minimal. These used to be in common use in the Chicago suburban area.

    Regards . . .


    P.S.: One downside is that you can not undo these fittings, once crimped.

    Jim --
  • Reply from: Eddie Grooms   
    Jim: You are dating yourself. I am now retired and I remember when I was 16 years old and started working in a shop where the indentor fittings and indentor tools were on every truck.

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