Grounding vs. Bonding - Check Out Our Bloopers
One of the most confusing areas of the trade continues to be Grounding and Bonding. Mike Holt's Illustrated Guide to "NEC Requirements for Grounding vs. Bonding" belongs in the hands of every Electrician, Inspector, and Engineer who needs to understand the, seemingly conflicting, information of how to properly apply the NEC rules of Grounding and Bonding. The extensive graphics show current flow in both normal and fault conditions, which completely illustrate the proper application of the Code rules.
This new edition continues to expand on the great graphics that have set the standard for the industry. The text beautifully clears up misconceptions about Grounding vs. Bonding and breaks down each of the Code articles that deal with this topic. Mike's ability to explain these rules and the practical application of these rules in real world settings will help you really understand how to apply the NEC everyday. More than any other topic in the Electrical industry, Grounding and Bonding is at the core of most power quality, and safety, issues; making this book and DVD program a must have for everyone in the industry.
Order in the next 10 days
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Save 25%*!
2011 DVD/Textbook - $198.00 $148.50 2011Textbook only - $42.00 $31.50
2008 Grounding vs. Bonding Products
2005 Grounding vs. Bonding Products
Click Here and then select Bloopers: Grounding vs. Bonding 2011-Behind the Scenes to watch out-takes from the DVD recording; you are going to crack up.
See Mike Live!
Join Mike and experience a live, in-depth coverage of the new changes to 2011 Grounding vs. Bonding in a fun and dynamic manner. This is a ‘must attend’ program if you are an electrician, contractor, engineer, designer, or plant/facility maintenance person.
Coral Springs, Florida - July 30, 2011
*not valid in combination with any other offer or previous order (2005 products have already been discounted)