Mike Holt's Thanks to the Industry

I just wanted to say thank you. Thanks for being a part of our newsletter community, for being our friend and for all of the wonderful ways this industry has helped me grow personally and professionally. Over the years I have watched us all grow together in our knowledge of the trade and our understanding of the Code.
During these difficult financial times I wanted to say thanks to the industry by offering 25% off all of my Mike Holt products. This is just a small way that I can say thank you.
Wishing you and your family the best in 2009,
Mike Holt
P.S. To take advantage of this special please visit www.MikeHolt.com and use discount code THANKS or call our office to place your order at 888-632-2633.
This special cannot be combined with any other offer and cannot be applied to any previous orders. This special is only applicable to Mike Holt products (seminars are not included)
Special lasts until February 28, 2009.