Date & Program Location Accident Description
April 9th Construction Mississauga Certified linesman was removing the temporary grounds from
1071796 the overhead conductors. Worker removed ground connection
while other end was still connected to a phase conductor.
Worker was not wearing rubber gloves, was not using a hot
stick, climbed up onto the support structure to reach
connection point. Calculations done as part of investigation
showed that about 400 mA was available to flow to ground
through the bonding cable. At the time of the fatality, the
worker was acting as the supervisor for the crew.
May 10th Industrial Toronto Electrician was changing the drive motor on a small monorail
1075683 crane, made contact with a 600 V conductor, electrocuted.
June 2nd Industrial Collingwood Worker doing troubleshooting of HVAC system, had control
1076832 panel open while power was still ON. Made contact with
600 V, entry burns on fingers of right hand, exit burns on hand
and fingers of left hand.
June 28th Construction Brampton Two workers taking down a large tent, tent pole contacted
1077319 overhead power line. One worker was critically injured by
the contact, the other worker was killed. Voltage of single-
phase line was 4800 V. There were no signs of entry wounds
on either worker, both workers had exit wounds on their feet.
Critical Injuries:
April 11th Industrial Severn Plant Manager was doing work in electrical panel when it
1062243 blew up. Worker received burns to face and right hand, lost
April 18th Industrial Toronto Two apprentice electricians were doing work unsupervised.
1074634 Worker was filing piece of equipment in breaker box, touched
a live wire. Worker received 3rd degree burns to arm.
April 28th Industrial Milton Pump specialist was working in an electrical panel, received
1072909 electrical contact burns to hands. Worker had locked out main
feed to panel, did not know that panel was also fed from a
stand-by generator. Generator was arranged to start up
automatically on loss of main power to panel.
May 9th Industrial Brampton Worker installing electrical equipment when a flash occurred.
1075693 Worker received burns to face and arms, lost consciousness for
a few seconds.
May 17th Industrial Etobicoke Worker doing work from extension ladder, adjusting control
1074937 limits for overhead door. New door installation, live 600 V
exposed conductors present in control box. Suspect that
worker made inadvertent contact with live conductor, shock
caused worker to fall about 17 feet to concrete floor. Worker
sustained head injuries, broken back and ribs, and lost
May 31st Industrial Guelph Maintenance Department worker changing fluorescent light.
1076435 Worker used a screwdriver, made contact. Worker lost
consciousness for a few seconds, taken to hospital.
June 6th Industrial Toronto Worker received a shock from a 347 V ballast, suffered burns
1077275 to both hands and to right elbow.
June 13th Industrial St. Catherines Fuse exploded while worker was changing it. Worker suffered
1074469 burns to face, neck, hands and eyes.
June 13th Industrial Wellesley Worker was using tester in 600 V cabinet. Arc happened,
1077054 Township worker received burns to right hand and arm. Please note,
event description mentioned tester, not multimeter.
Non-Critical Injuries:
April 19th Construction Kitchener Worker operating boom truck, boom came close to 8 kV
1072544 power line. Worker suffered burns to leg and both hands.
April 22nd Industrial Vaughan Electrician doing work in power room of shopping complex.
1029327 Event happened, power tripped off to entire complex. Worker
received burns to face and hands, no details given of work
being done at the time.
May 19th Industrial Colborne Worker dismantling a transformer box when it blew up in his
1073661 face. Worker taken to hospital, no other details of event given.
May 20th Industrial Wellesley Worker received a shock while touching two different pieces
1074521 Township of electrical equipment. Worker suffered pain and numbness
in hands, did not lose consciousness.
May 25th Industrial Sudbury Worker unplugging mirror from an outlet, received electrical
1074821 shock. Suffered burns to right hand.
May 25th Industrial Richmond Hill Store manager using ladder to change light bulb, received a
1074932 120 V shock. Received minor burns to hand.
June 1st Industrial Orillia Electrician, working on electrical equipment, contacted 600 V.
1076698 Suffered 2nd degree burns to right hand. No information given
on what work was being done at the time.
June 1st Industrial Orillia Worker received an electrical shock from a 120 V extension
1076718 cord while plugging another cord into it.
June 3rd Construction Mississauga Electrician made contact with 347 volts, no details given of
1074973 injuries suffered or work being done.
June 8th Industrial Etobicoke Worker on aluminum ladder changing light bulb. Bulb broke,
1077006 worker received shock from exposed wires and fell off ladder.
He received burns to hands and abrasions to elbows.
June 11th Construction Ingersoll Electrician made electrical contact, went home not to hospital.
1073210 No details given of work being done or equipment involved.
June 14th Industrial Hamilton Worker was using phone with headset. Thunderstorm outside,
1077175 worker received shock. Suffered numbness in face, swollen
arms and face.
June 23rd Industrial Gormley Worker discharging asphalt through chute in back of dump
1073105 truck, raised box contacted overhead lines. Worker felt
tingling in left arm and shoulder.
June 23rd Construction Newmarket Dump truck was backing up, hit power line. One worker
1076561 was touching truck, received a shock, taken to hospital.
June 23rd Industrial Oakville Worker tried to clean up a fish tank that was overflowing.
1077385 Received shock from extension cords on floor beneath tank.
Treated at scene by paramedics and released.
June 27th Industrial Peterborough Technician doing work on switchgear box in substation,
1076536 received a shock. Worker has minor burns to thumb and
June 29th Construction St. Catherines Roofing contractor contacted overhead lines with metal
1078230 ladder. Workers hurt, no information given on injuries
received by workers.
Powerline Contacts – No Injuries:
April 2nd Construction Toronto Scaffolding fell on trolley and hydro lines. Lines broke, wound
1071081 & 1073889 (same event) up on ground.
April 3rd Mining Meldrum Bay Boom truck contacted neutral of 4160 V overhead line.
April 4th Construction London Forklift contacted power lines, no other details given.
April 8th Construction Georgina Dump truck contacted power lines, lines wound up draped
1071986 over the truck.
April 8th Construction Dunnville Excavator contacted overhead power line.
April 8th Construction London Event description said powerline contact, no other details
1073859 given.
April 13th Construction Mississauga Box of dump truck contacted 44 kV power line.
1072029 Truck tires blew up.
April 13th Construction Wellesley Boom truck contacted overhead power line.
1074215 Township
April 20th Construction Stittsville Contractor dug up a buried line.
April 21st Construction Whitby Tower crane contacted overhead power line.
April 25th Construction Waterloo Contractor using Hi-Ho to dig a foundation, contacted buried
1072719 power line.
April 25th Industrial Cambridge Event listed as electrical occurrence, no other details given.
April 25th Industrial Sault Ste Marie Workers removing a sign, boom was too close to power lines,
1074845 and located over the lines. No actual contact reported.
April 26th Construction Stoney Creek Worker beginning to dig, dug up both the gas and hydro lines.
April 27th Construction London Boom truck hit overhead power line.
April 28th Industrial Sudbury Worker doing tree-trimming, hit a 7200 V power line.
April 29th Construction Port Elgin Worker digging to repair a water leak, contacted primary
1056004 conductors.
May 6th Construction Brampton Raised box of dump truck contacted overhead power lines.
May 9th Construction Hearst Box of dump truck touched 14 kV overhead line.
May 9th Construction Southampton Contractor was doing road construction, dug up 240 V line.
May 9th Construction Goderich Contractor was moving hydraulic excavating truck into place,
1056204 truck contacted overhead power lines.
May 10th Construction Rockland Working too close to power lines. No details given of work
107 5760 being done or equipment involved.
May 11th Construction Toronto Boom truck contacted overhead power lines.
May 11th Construction Harriston Boom of boom truck contacted overhead lines, tires on truck
1074367 blew out. Voltage of line not given.
May 11th Construction Sarnia Excavator came too close to 27 kV power line, arc occurred.
May 13th Construction St. Catherines Worker installing grounds on de-energized conductor, wire
1075284 made inadvertent contact with energized conductor.
No injuries reported.
May 13th Mining Kitchener Dump truck contacted overhead lines.
May 16th Construction Lindsay Truck contacted the Bell line, caused power lines to snap.
May 17th Construction Collingwood Installing watermain, contacted 2400 V overhead line.
1074053 No details given of equipment involved.
May 18th Construction Oakville Excavator dug up 4 kV buried line.
May 19th Construction Municipality Contact made with power line during sanitary pipe installation.
1072813 not given No other details given.
May 19th Construction Lanark County Dump truck dumping asphalt into transfer box, contact made
1066363 with overhead power lines.
May 19th Construction Peterborough Contractor excavating for sidewalk, dug up the 15 kV buried
1073792 cable with a BOBCAT.
May 20th Construction Nepean Contractor dug into a buried primary cable, caused a major
1069866 outage in the area.
May 20th Construction Gloucester Contractor working within ten feet of hydro line. No details
1070701 given of work being done or equipment involved.
May 24th Construction Niagara-on-the- Driver brought truck close to overhead line, arc jumped to
1076040 Lake truck. Powerline voltage was not given.
May 27th Construction Thunder Bay Installing a basketball post at site of existing post. Contact
1076683 made with buried primary line.
May 30th Construction London Contact made with buried primary line. Locates had been,
1076020 contact was more than ten feet from marks.
May 30th Construction Peterborough Doing rehab of underground services, contacted a 4 kV line.
1076583 No details given of equipment involved.
May 30th Construction Whitchurch Contact made with power line, voltage was less than 750 V.
1074607 Township No other details given.
May 31st Construction Kirkland Lake Dumptruck hit 44 kV overhead line.
June 2nd Construction Brampton Contractor hit primary cable. No other details given.
June 6th Construction Waterloo Boom truck contacted primary lines.
June 6th Construction London Worker drilled into electrical conduit. X-ray and conduit
1077167 tracing had been done.
June 8th Construction Burlington Dump truck backing up, took down a 1600 V power line.
June 9th Construction Sudbury Event classified as electrical occurrence, no other details
1070588 given.
June 14th Construction Toronto Contact made with overhead power line, no other details of
1076220 event given.
June 14th Construction Milton Dump truck backed into overhead power line.
June 20th Construction Markham Backhoe cut into primary cable.
June 21st Construction Brampton Contractor cut into a 27 kV power line. No details of
1076546 equipment involved.
June 21st Construction London Excavator dug up a buried primary cable. Locates had been
1077088 done, showed area was clear.
June 21st Construction Thunder Bay Drilling test holes, contacted buried power line.
June 23rd Construction Garson Electrical wires knocked down, no other details given.
June 23rd Construction Waterloo Dump truck contacted neutral of primary line.
June 23rd Construction Sault Ste. Marie Excavator boom contacted overhead primary line.
June 27th Construction Thunder Bay Workers had scaffolding set up over a secondary line, ladder
1071120 on scaffolding contacted the line.
June 27th Construction Iroquois Falls Backhoe contacted overhead power line.
June 27th Construction Markham Contractor bored into a primary cable.
June 28th Construction Tillsonburg Trolley of tower crane contacted 27 kV power line.
June 28th Construction London Boom of backhoe contacted 8 kV overhead line. They were
1077861 using a spotter at the time.
DATA SUMMARY - Second Quarter
Fatals: Criticals: Non-criticals: Powerline Electrical
Contacts: Equipment:
2005 4 9 17 60 0
2004 3 4 16 48 0
2003 3 7 25 39 0
2002 1 9 17 28 1
2001 1 13 12 32 2
2000 2 5 22 34 1
1999 2 9 22 32 0
1998 2 4 17 30 0
And Finally…..
May 21st Industrial Red Rock The event description said, “An employee struck his lighter in
1069871 Township order to burn a spider”. The employee, along with another
worker, were in a propane cylinder storage shed at the time.
The inevitable happened, with only the first worker getting any
serious burns. The company is now locking the shed.
Information taken from Ministry of Labour MIS database
Report prepared: September 7, 2005
Assembled by: Michael Reiser Provided to MHE by: Tony Moscioni
Engineer Electrical Inspector
PSS – Kitchener District Electrical Safety Authority
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