This article was posted 09/26/2007 and is most likely outdated.

Distribution Trends


Subject - Distribution Trends

September 26, 2007
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Distribution Trends

Expert viewpoints by Dr. Adam J. Fein on trends affecting
the wholesale distribution industry

imageTuesday, September 25, 2007

The Future is Already Here

I spoke at IDEA's E-Biz Forum in Vancouver last week, where I presented the e-results from Facing the Forces of Change®: Lead the Way in the Supply Chain to a mixed audience (manufacturers and wholesalers). Allen Ray at Electrical Trends blogged his reviews on Day One and Day Two. You can also download the presentations from IDEA’s website.

The Connected Customers trends is quickly gaining traction in the electrical industry. Check out Mike Holt's Forum, an eye-opening site for the electrical industry that's hosted by electrical trainer Mike Holt. In addition to the usual discussions of professional electrical issues, I found many interesting threads discussing wholesalers. (Hat tip to Joe Salimando at EleBlog for pointing me to this site.)

Does your company sell to contractors? If so, here are three sample online discussions that will either intrigue you or frighten you:

A contractor complaining that there are too many electrical wholesalers in his area (22 replies)

Strategies for getting better pricing from a wholesaler (18 replies)

The pros and cons of buying from Home Depot or Lowes versus a wholesaler (120 replies!)

Once again, we see B2B customers building networked communities without any apparent involvement from their distribution suppliers.

Seek out and talk to any of your customers who have used online forums (such as the examples in Broadband Boom or Exhibit 4-6 of Lead the Way). What information were they searching for? Did they find what they wanted? How did their experiences compare with contacting a salesperson or customer service agent at your company? Their answers will either intrigue or frighten you.

Cyber-visionary William Gibson once said: "The future is already here — it's just not evenly distributed." If you sell to contractors in another line of trade, then you owe it to your company to visit Mike Holt's Forum and get a glimpse of the future.

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  • I have reached the point where for a lot of things the closest place is the best place. In some cases, either graybar or grainger is the only one who has something. In some other instances Lowe's or Home Depot is indeed cheaper. A consistent problem with Lowe's and Home Depot is that most of the meter sockets are not the horn bypass or lever bypass ones that First Energy and a lot of other utilites require. I have given managers a copy of First Energy's requirements and tried to explain that the reason why nonbypass meter sockets are so much cheaper is because most utilites do not allow them for sound safety and technical reasons. One reason for using a bypass sockets is so that a circuit breaker can be installed in place of the meter socket when disconnecting service. The company can also change the meter without interrupting power.

    Michael R. Cole
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  • why arent the panel backers painted, ?(good workmanship)

    roy g.
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  • why arent the panel backers painted, ?(good workmanship)

    roy g.
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  • compretion fittings versas whether proof fittings. there are tons of compretion fittings installed outsid in wet locations, this is what we used for wet locations, now UL states compretion fittings are for concrete. and wether proof fittings are for wet locations.

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  • Team in Training:

    Alfred Leo Pelletier's Team In Training Page Racing to Save Lives Welcome to my Team In Training home page.

    I am training to participate in an endurance event as a member of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training. All of us on Team In Training are raising funds to help stop leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma and myeloma from taking more lives. I'm completing this event in honor of all individuals who are battling blood cancers. These people are the real heroes on our team, and we need your support to cross the ultimate finish line - a cure!

    Please make a donation to support my participation in Team In Training and help advance the Society's mission.

    I hope you'll visit my web site often. Be sure to check back frequently to see my progress. Thanks for your support! Everyone will agree this is money spent on a very good cause. We can make a difference with the help from everyones contributions to bring this terrible disease to a stop and to help find a cure. We need your help! We all know someone who has suffered with these diseases. Treatment is long and exhausting for the person who has to undergo this awfully horrible disease. Please help fight Blood Cancer? I'm training and will run the full Marathon and will represent each and everyone of you who will help end this disease. We all know someone who has given there life to these awfully horrible diseases. I will be running in the Honor of (Susan, Barbara and Normand!) Loving Memory, Susan Charron, Barbara Pelletier, Normand LeBrun...

    Alfred Leo Pelletier, CMI
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