This article was posted 05/27/2007 and is most likely outdated.

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Subject - Welcome Home

May 27, 2007
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Welcome Home


Click here to watch a short video that’s sure to touch your heart this Memorial Day. It’s touching to see how this simple act of warm welcome from a past generation of veterans can mean so much to the brave men and women serving our country today. If the video doesn't play immediately save it to your computer first and then open.



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  • Mike, thank you for your contuined support of the men and women that have and are currently serving in OIF/OEF. I started my subscription to your web site several years ago looking for a solution to a grounding problem and have considered ending it several times. Everytime I think about ending my subscription you send out something like this. I am currently serving with NMCB 28 stationed in IRAQ and after spending a week in the field with a group of Marines, who have no running water, no indoor bathrooms, and no way to cook a decent meal, I came home and found your e-mail. THANK YOU to everyone and please DON'T let a service member get off a plane with out this kind of greeting. Just knowing that there is someone waiting to shake my hand and offer me a hug when I get home, makes this all worth while.

    BU1 (SCW) Winans, Charles
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  • excellent!!!!!!

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  • I hope our country learned at least one thing from our military disaster in Vietnam: Our troops always deserve our support even if our leaders cannot be trusted to make good decisions. I lost several friends in Vietnam, and I hated to see the reception the ones who survived received when they came home.

    I strongly disagree with the war in Iraq, but that is a problem with our leaders, not with the men and women who were sent there. --Jim

    Jim Cook
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  • AMEN and GOD BLESS our Service People!

    Jeff King
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  • It's a crying shame you elected to determine my previous comment was not worthy of being posted. The Republican Christian Ultra Right Wing approach to silence and not acknowledge people with dissenting points of view to which you apprently subscribe has been going on for way too long. And now you insult me by not posting something that has driven me twice since '69 into such a deep state of depression that it went so far as to include suicidal tendencies. Are you old enough to have been on that picket line? Were you there? You are there now by being what you are and what you did. I resent you, whoever you are. And Mike Holt will get a withdrawal notice from me to his site. If you are what he hires, he must be like you.

    Have a good day.

    Bill Self
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  • It's great to see people taking the time to thank all the soldiers for the sacrafice they are making for all of us in the free world. I'm one Canadian (and despite what our media says, there are more of us) that is very gratefull the the role that the U.S.A. plays in world politics. God Bless the U.S.A.! So for all your forces in Iraq, and our Canadians in Afganistan, THANK-YOU

    Terry Peterman
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  • It was great. More USA citizens should do more of this type work.

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  • I don't for a moment want others to come home as I did from Nam in '69. But I cannot partake in these greetings at the DFW airport. I don't know why. I live in Dallas. I just cannot be a part of this program. When I came home from Nam in '69, we were greeted with a picket line. The people walking the line were calling us baby-killers, throwing us the finger and trying to spit on us. I hold more resentment for the American People that treated me that way than I do for the North Vietnamese and Vietcong that were trying to kill me. I understand the position of those in Nam trying to kill me. I do not understand why after serving my time over there, I was greeted home the way I was.

    Bill Self
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    Harold P. LeRay
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  • God bless him and all involved...

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  • I am glad to see that this generation of warriors is being treated better thasn my generation coming back from VietNam was. I hurt to read the order that said we were not to wear our uniforms when traveling in public, like planes, trains or buses, to avoid stirring up tension and possible physical confrontations!

    Ralph Buschman
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  • Mike, This is a very special tribute to all those coming home and it will serve to bring people together. Thanks Ted Jones

    Ted Jones Sydney Australia
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  • Thank you very much Mike, As a past persian gulf veterian its nice to see this kind of love.

    Brian Cook
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  • Here is another very good video put together by a 15 year old about remembering what our military is all about.

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  • Mike - I've seen this piece before and I can honestly say it does my heart well to see it again. Very touching and appropriate this weekend! Thanks.

    Joe Romano
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  • thank you for the heart warming video for memorial day "the home coming video"

    Laura Vergeront
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  • Thanks Mike. I've sent that clip to my whole church group. Hope I didn't break any copy right laws. I'm proud of these kids serving now. I hope our country never again does what we did to the Nam Vets, Everyone...Remember to say "Thank you"

    Fred Madden
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