
Swimming Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs, and Fountains - Free PDF

Another great free resource!

Article 680 covers the installation of electrical wiring and equipment for swimming pools, hot tubs, spas, fountains, and hydromassage bathtubs. This article is divided into eight parts, each addressing specific types of installations. Be very careful to determine which section(s) apply to your specific installation.

Always reference the “General” section of each part so you can correctly apply the rules. Applying the wrong rules could result in unsafe conditions, non-NEC compliance, or costly corrections.
Download and print the free PDF using the following links:

These pages are extracted from Mike Holt's Understanding the National Electrical Code Volume 2, based on the 2023 NEC. To purchase or review this textbook and other products from Mike's Understanding the National Electrical Code series click here.

P.S. Don't forget we have lots of other FREE resources available on our website. Visit for the following items and more:

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