Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source
The 2023 Code went into effect in Maine on July 1, 2024

We know what it takes to get you up to speed. Don't know where to start?
Start with our free stuff! Explore Mike Holt's FREE PDF downloads based on the 2023 Code:

We also have the 2023 NEC products to help you prepare for your exam or renew your license:

Renewing your license?

We make it easy for you to get your CEUs and renew your license. Click here for details. Have multiple state licenses? Our courses are approved across the country. Let us help you with a custom solution, that saves you time and money, and makes renewing easy.



Taking an electrical exam?

Pass your exam with confidence with our proven training system. Our programs can give you the knowledge and the guidance to transform your understanding of theory, code, and calculations. Click here to review your options and find the right study program for you.



Are you an instructor or training director?

Mike Holt products can help you upgrade your apprenticeship program, exam preparation courses, or in-house training modules. We make your job easy, with comprehensive lesson plans, effective teaching tools, and powerful blended learning options that include books, videos, and online. Contact us at 888.632.2633, or email Training@MikeHolt.com. Learn more at MikeHolt.com/Instructors.



Interested in updating your Code knowledge?

Mike Holt's illustrated guides and dynamic videos are designed to make learning easy. There are lots of options to choose from, and you can save 25% when you use discount NEWCODE:

Need a Code Book or tabs? Click here.


Save 25% on all Mike Holt Code products - equip yourself with the knowledge you need to excel.
Let us help you master the 2023 National Electrical Code with confidence!


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