Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

Easily Find References in the Code Book

September 22, 2023
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Another great free resource for you!

Mike Holt's NEC Index is designed to help you find what you're looking for in the Code book in seconds! It lists all those difficult key words and gives you the section where these words appear in the Code. It's a great tool to get you familiar with those hard-to-find references in the NEC.

Use this Index along with your Code Book and Tabs, and you'll be in great shape. Some customers download this Index to their smartphones for easy reference.

Click here or on the thumbnail image to view or download the 2023 Index now. For other Code cycles, use the links below:

Here’s where to find the PDF:

  1. Click here or on the image to the right to open and download the PDF, or
  2. Go to the Free Publications page on the Mike Holt website for this and other free PDFs

We’d love to hear from you about this feature and the ways you’re using it: Send us your comments by clicking below on the link to Post a Comment.

We hope you enjoy these PDFs - make sure you also take advantage of all the Free Stuff available on our website.

  • Like to learn more about the nec.

    Humberto  October 10 2023, 9:31 pm EDT
    Reply to this comment
  • Reply from: Mike Holt   October 11 2023, 9:45 am EDT
    Please call 352.360.2620 and we'll get you going!
    Reply to Mike Holt

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