I'm always looking out for information that will educate you, keep you up-to-date with all things electrical, and keep the industry safe. I wanted to pass along this great video on grounded electricity. I hope you find it has value.
I'm always looking out for information that will educate you, keep you up-to-date with all things electrical, and keep the industry safe. I wanted to pass along this great video on grounded electricity. I hope you find it has value.
We found this video on Practical Engineering. It's a YouTube channel about infrastructure and the human-made world around us, hosted, written, and produced by Grady Hillhouse.
Click here or on the image to watch the video titled Where Does Grounded Electricity Actually Go? [19min:35sec]
Current doesn’t flow to the ground; it flows through the ground and back up. If there is electricity moving into the ground from an energized conductor, go back to the source of that conductor and see what’s happening. For the grid, it’s probably a transformer or electrical generator, in either case, a simple coil of wire. And, the electrical current flowing out of the coil has to be equal to the electrical current flowing into it, whether that current is coming from one of the other phases, a neutral line, or an electrode buried in the ground.
Their disclaimer: This is not engineering advice. Everything here is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Contact an engineer licensed to practice in your area if you need professional advice or services. All non-licensed clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes.