Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

Stay Sharp on the Rules of the NEC

March 10, 2023 | Share: Facebook Twitter Instagram

One of our coolest free resources is our Code Graphic and Question of the Day. Have you checked it out lately? It's a great tool. Use it to brush up your Code skills, as a training tool with your employees or coworkers, or schedule it as a topic of discussion in your safety meetings, at lunch, or in the field.

Two ways daily to challenge your Code knowledge and keep you sharp.

Graphic. Each day, we publish a new graphic that illustrates a Code rule. Mike's graphics have set an industry standard - the images are detailed and designed to help you visualize the rule, making it easier to understand the rule and it's application.

Question. Right below the graphic there's a Code question. This question is not related to the graphic shown above it. Just click on the radio button for the answer you think is right, and click submit. You'll find out immediately if you were right and how many other people answered it correctly - or not!

While you're there, notice the icons at the top right of the web page that allow you to share:

  • Share on Facebook or Email it to a friend. You can also...
  • Print the page as a calendar! This is a great bonus feature - 3 full months display as a calendar on the top of the page, and there's a place for your daily schedule on the bottom.

So, how do you take advantage of this free resource?

We'd love to hear from you about this feature and the ways you're using it. Send us your comments and feedback by clicking on "Post a Comment" below. Don't forget to also take advantage of all the other Free Stuff available on our website.

  • That is a really neat picture. Love to have a copy without the verbiage

    Gary  March 11 2023, 7:43 am EST
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  • I look at the graphic and read the question almost every day. Sometimes I can guess the answer and other times I actually get the code book and look it up. Keeps me sharp and it's a chance to learn something about an area that I'm not familiar with. Also appreciate the code forum and all the comments. Thank you !

    John  March 10 2023, 9:34 pm EST
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