We are getting great feedback on our brand new Electrical Theory Video Program! What most people don't realize is that the foundation for understanding the NEC rules for electrical installations is electrical theory. This all-new treatment of theory is a must-see for all installers. Whether you're a first-year apprentice still struggling to understand the difference between a volt or ampere, or a veteran electrician trying to sharpen your troubleshooting skills, this product has something for you. We wanted to share a clip from this program to introduce you to the importance of this topic. Please feel free to share this with your friends and co-workers, and for more videos and content on this topic, check out our Electrical Theory Video Library that includes the full program and digital textbook.
Introduction to Electrical Theory |
The content below is extracted from
Mike Holt's Understanding Electrical Theory textbook, for NEC Applications.
Click on the image above to watch the video
What is electrical theory, why do we need to know it, and when would we even apply the concepts?
Mike is passionate about the Code and making electrical installations safer. He believes that the only way to really understand the NEC is to understand the physics behind it”and that’s electrical theory.
Electrical professionals often learn the mechanics of electrical installations, but they never know the “why” behind what they are doing. This is a big handicap and leaves them unable to make good decisions when job requirements change. The foundation for understanding why electrical installations are safe is Electrical Theory. Understanding why electricity behaves the way it does helps us to better understand the requirements of the Code and to make our work that much safer.
Click here or on the image to the right and take some time to watch Mike and a panel of industry experts introduce this important topic.
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below. Look out for the next part in this series a month from now, and
please share with your colleagues. |
This content is extracted from Mike Holt's Understanding Electrical Theory Program.