Mike's completely revamped Theory Textbook and Video Library are now available to order!

Totally re-built, our best version yet! Our newest video program, Understanding Electrical Theory, for NEC Applications, is a brand new approach to understanding electrical theory.

Wiring systems have become more complex and every aspect of our daily life requires power to be accessible and reliable. This product allows you to revisit the fundamental concepts that make electrical equipment work, and bridges the gap between science, math, mechanics and Code allowing you to understand what you see and hear in your daily work.

Whether you're a first-year apprentice still struggling to understand the difference between a volt or ampere, or a veteran journeyman trying to sharpen your troubleshooting skills, this product has something for you. It will take you on a journey that begins with the physics behind how electricity works, all the way through concepts that are relevant to everyone working in the electrical industry.


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View the Table of Contents
View a sample video clip


Here's what makes this product special:

  • It explains why blinking lights, buzzing relays, hot wires and tripping breakers, all have one thing in common”they are the visible result of science and some basic math applied to an installation.
  • It will sharpen your troubleshooting skills. Knowing what electricity is, how it's produced and how it's used will take you from being an installer who doesn't understand what's happening, to an electrician who can understand even the most complex situations.
  • Built on our successful formula of providing incredible visuals along with simple explanations, this program is a must-have for everyone in the electrical industry.
Discount Code: NLTH25

Are you an Instructor?
Do you teach Electrical Theory? To review a sample copy, click here, or call 888.632.2633. If you adopt this book for your classroom you will get a FREE* Instructional Slide program with all the graphics.

*To qualify, a school must purchase 20 or more books.



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