Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

You Can Change Your Life

August 05, 2022 | Share: Facebook Twitter Instagram

Getting your electrical license will be a game changer...

After the first time he failed his test, he was ready to quit! It took him 5 times to finally get his license.
Watch Frank's story ...

Frank came to the U.S. from Cuba - he couldn't speak the language, but was determined to make something of himself.

He decided to get his electrical license and needed to pass his exam. He tried, and after the first time he failed he was ready to quit. He went to Mike and told him he couldn't go on, it was too hard for him.

Mike told him "don't give up, keep it up". So he kept on working and passed on his 5th try!

Frank's message is not to lose your dream no matter how hard the journey might seem.

Watch his video clip.

If you want something badly enough, you just have to make the commitment to work hard to get it.

We know you can do it, let us show you how

Your journey to a better life starts today. Visit www.MikeHolt.com/ExamPrep to get started, or call us at 888.632.2633 and we'll guide you through the process.

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