Mike Holt Business Newlsetter Series

Bonding Communications Systems and the Hazard!

July 18, 2022 | Share: Facebook Twitter Instagram
The year 2020 provided me with the unique opportunity and the time to produce a series of videos on topics that you told me were of interest to you. I recorded them from my house, and livestreamed them over the course of several months. There were a lot of you that might not have been able to tune in, and others who did, but would enjoy the chance to see them again. We'll be sending them out monthly in a newsletter series. Enjoy and feel free to share!

If the service neutral is opened can my building catch on fire? Well, the service neutral is bonded to the shielding of communication cables. Communication systems must be bonded to the intersystem bonding termination device to minimize damage from induced voltage differences between the communication and power systems from a lighting event. There are fire hazards if you lose the service neutral because many parallel paths like the shielding of communication cables for example, will carry neutral return current not designed for this purpose. Check out this video as Mike explains how to properly bond communication systems per the National Electrical Code.

Click here or on the image to watch the video [55min:05sec].

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  • Mike; I am a forensic electrical engineer. I often investigate residential fires and represent internet service provider's interests (ISP). When a neutral is lost or even defective, the unbalance of the building load always looks for alternate paths to go back to the source. The ISP cable shield is one of those paths. That current overloads the cable shield and melts the external jacket on the cable; often there is heavy smoke and even ignition of nearby combustibles. Naturally, the home owner sees this and thinks it is the fault of the ISP! It is difficult to convince he/she of the root cause of the problem. Other alternate paths is a conductive exterior wall covering or garlands.

    Octavio   July 19 2022, 3:27 pm EDT
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