Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

A Great Way to Stay Sharp on the Rules of the NEC

One of our coolest free resources is our Code Graphic and Question of the Day.

Have you checked it out lately? It's a great tool to get your day started. Don't have the time first thing with your cup of coffee? Review it later in the day with your employees or coworkers and schedule it daily as a topic of discussion in your safety meetings, at lunch, or in the field.

Each day, we publish a new graphic that illustrates a Code rule. Right below it there's a Code question (unrelated to the graphic) that will test you. Both are provided to help sharpen your knowledge of the NEC.

So, how do you take advantage of this free resource?

While you're there, notice the icons at the top right of the web page that allow you to share:

  • Share on Facebook or Email it to a friend. You can also...
  • Print the page as a calendar! This is a great bonus feature - 3 full months display as a calendar on the top of the page, and there's a place for your daily schedule on the bottom.

We'd love to hear from you about this feature and the ways you're using it. Send us your comments and feedback by clicking on "Post a Comment" below. Don't forget to also take advantage of all the other Free Stuff available on our website.

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