Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

Audio on the Go...

Are you a podcast fan? Or are you a podcast newbie? Whatever your familiarity is with podcasts, they are a great learning opportunity.

Wondering why they are so popular? They let people listen and learn while getting other things done. So whether you are on the road driving, working out, or doing something else, you can listen and learn from Mike. He shares stories, ideas, and insight on the industry, what it takes to be successful, and also stories about his life.

This is why we are so excited to launch Mike's first Podcast page “ Conversations with Mike. Visit www.mikeholt.com/conversationswithmike to see in one location all of the podcasts that Mike has been a part of. This is an easy way for you to learn more about Mike, his journey, and his thoughts on key subjects.

Topics include:

  • Mike's Personal Success Journey from his origins as a poor kid to him discovering the electrical industry as a young man
  • Success Principles that he has used to build his business
  • Strategies he has used to become a world class athlete

These compiled interviews are conducted by different Podcast Channels including: Engitecture, Modern Electrician, and The New Construction Leader.

You don't want to miss this opportunity to hear Mike in his own words share what 45+ years in the industry has taught him about the NEC, the electrical industry and what it takes to get ahead.

Check out this great Free Resource and get started on your Podcast Listening Journey with Mike Holt. www.MikeHolt.com/conversationswithMike

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