Taking and passing an electrical exam is one of the most powerful ways to change your career.
Taking and passing an electrical exam is one of the most powerful ways to change your career.
The idea of taking an exam is overwhelming for many people and some electricians that are great in the field may not be great test takers. Don't let the fear of taking an exam hold you back. The truth is that everyone can improve their chances of passing an exam, and most people will pass their exams the first time if they follow the following five rules of test-taking:
1. Know what you are being tested on. The key to passing an electrical exam is knowing what to study. Each state or county exam will have a Candidate Booklet that will give you a roadmap of what your exam will look like. Take the time to really identify those areas that you need to study and built your study program around the gaps that you have.
2. Find the right study material. The most important thing that you can do to prepare yourself for an electrical exam is to get the right study material. Everyone learns differently. A select few people can pass by reading a book and learning the material on their own, while most will need to see the topics presented and work through problems. A lot of people don't pass exams because they simply don't have the right study material or work through the material in a systematic way.
3. Commit to passing. One of the reasons that people do not pass an exam is that they simply do not commit themselves to the hard work of completing their studies. You can pass. Making a commitment to passing means you are saying "no" to the things that are going to take you away from passing and saying "yes" to a study schedule, and finding a good quiet place to study.
4. Work on your study skills. There is only so much time in a day, so you need to make the most of that time for your exam preparation. We have created a document that can help you maximize your study time by improving your study skills. This is one of the easiest ways to improve your chances of passing your exam the first time.
Click here to see this easy to use guide for improving your study skills.
5. Work on your test taking skills. Taking a test is a skill that can be learned. There are many steps you can take to improve your chances of finding success on exam day. We have compiled a list of some of the top ways to approach your exam. Click here to see our Tips for Taking a Test Guide.
For over 40 years, customers have been sharing with us how passing their exams has changed their lives. We get letters all the time about how this one step in their career made them more money, helped them get promotions, opened the door for them to start their businesses, and gave them confidence in the field. How it also helped them put their kids through school, how they paid off their homes, became debt free, and just changed the entire trajectory of their lives.
If you are ready to change your career and need additional support in the process, we are here to help. We would love to partner with you in taking the next step, call us for additional help 888.632.2633.
P.S. Want additional help in passing your exam? Visit our Exam Preparation Study Tips page for videos and additional support to help you pass.