This article was posted 07/24/2006 and is most likely outdated.

Article 760: Fire Alarm Systems

Topic - NEC
Subject - Article 760: Fire Alarm Systems

July 24, 2006  

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Article 760: Fire Alarm Systems


By Mike Holt for EC&M Magazine

The requirements for fire alarms circuits may vary with the power supply listing or classification.

Article 760 tells us how to install wiring and equipment for fire alarm systems. This includes all circuits the fire alarm system controls and provides power to. Article 760 does not, however, tell us when a fire alarm system is required to be installed. The locally adopted building code or NFPA, 101 Life Safety Code is where you will find this information. It also doesn’t tell us where to place the alarm equipment, such as pull stations or horn/strobe units. Placement of such equipment is the job of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code.

Article 760 does not cover residential smoke alarm systems (including interconnecting wiring), because those are not powered by a fire alarm system as defined in NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code. Fire alarm systems include fire detection and alarm notification, voice communications, guard’s tour, sprinkler water flow, and sprinkler supervisory systems [760.1 FPN 1].

Chapter Three in reverse

When applying most Articles in Chapters 5 through 8, Chapter 3 wiring methods apply—except as noted. When applying Article 760, Chapter 3 wiring methods do not apply, except as noted. You’ll find the Chapter 3 references, as well as some other Article references, in 760.3.

One of the requirements is, naturally, that of firestopping. Openings in fire-resistant walls, floors, and ceilings must be sealed to minimize the possible spread of fire or products of combustion [300.21].

This requirement logically leads into the requirement to remove abandoned cable. Doing so limits the accumulation of products of combustion within a building. You must remove the accessible portion of fire alarm cable that isn’t terminated at equipment and not identified for future use with a tag [760.2]. This rule doesn’t require the removal of concealed cables that are abandoned in place. Cables in raceways are concealed cables, per the definition of “concealed” in Article 100.

Some Chapter Three wiring methods apply conditionally. For example, suppose you want to install fire alarm cables in ducts or plenums. If this is necessary for the direct action upon (or sensing of) the contained air, such as for a smoke detector inside of an air duct, you can do it, but only if you install those cables in electrical metallic tubing, intermediate metal conduit, or rigid metal conduit per 300.22(B) (Figure 760-6).

You can install plenum-rated fire alarm cables above a suspended ceiling or below a raised floor used for environmental air movement [760.30(B)(1) and (2), 760.61(A), and 760.82(A)]. You can also install nonplenum-rated fire alarm cables above a suspended ceiling or below a raised floor used for environmental air, but only if you install the cable within electrical metallic tubing or one of the other raceways identified in 300.22(C)(1). Nonplenum-rated fire alarm cables are, of course, allowed above a suspended ceiling that is not used for environmental air.

Fire alarm cables installed beneath a raised floor in an information technology equipment room aren’t required to be plenum rated [300.22(D) and 645.5(D)(5)(c)].

The power source for a fire alarm circuit must not be supplied through a GFCI or an AFCI [760.21] . But this limitation applies only to the circuit that supplies a power-limited fire alarm system (PLFA) or a nonpower-limited fire alarm system (NPLFA). This rule is not intended to apply to the single station smoke alarms commonly found in a dwelling unit.  Once again, Article 760 does not cover these types of devices.

Access and execution

As with many other Articles, this one requires you to install equipment and cabling in a neat and workmanlike manner [760.8]. The NEC doesn’t define this, but if you’re qualified to do the work you know the difference between sloppy and neat work.

Article 760 does provide a few hints as to what the AHJ will expect. For example, one aspect of “sloppy” is allowing ceiling-routed cables to accumulate in a way that prevents moving the ceiling panels so a person can get to them [760.7] .

Article 760 also tells us that one aspect of good workmanship is supporting the cables by the structural components of the building so the cable won’t be damaged by normal building use. Secure those cables with the right hardware, and take care not to pinch or damage the cable when you do.

Common sense says you haven’t done quality work unless you have properly labeled the circuits at terminal and junction locations. This labeling is a requirement for fire alarm circuits [760.10] (Figure 760-11). But, contrary to some manufacturers’ statements, Article 760 does not require you to mark raceways and cables [760.42].

Where Article 760 is silent on other aspects of good workmanship, don’t read something that’s not there. To avoid being forced to rewire or reinstall, don’t ignore the generally accepted workmanship practices.

Circuit types

A fire alarm system circuit can be one of two types: nonpower-limited fire alarm (NPLFA) or power-limited fire alarm (PLFA). What’s the difference between the two?

  • An NPLFA can operate at up to 600V, and the power output isn’t limited [760.21].
  • A PLFA has the voltage and power limited by a listed power source that complies with 760.41.

This difference means easier installation requirements for PLFA circuits. But, these two types of circuits share all of the requirements detailed in Part I.


To meet NPLFA requirements, you’ll need to refer to Chapter 3 and use those wiring methods where specified. Here are some highlights.

Overcurrent protection. For conductors 14 AWG and larger, this must be limited to the conductor ampacity per Table 310.16 and 240.6(A). Overcurrent protection can’t exceed 7A for 18 AWG conductors, or 10A for 16 AWG conductors [760.23].

Wiring methods. NPLFA circuits must be installed using Chapter 3 wiring methods. 760.25 provides a specific list of requirements that must be complied with [110.3(B), 300.11, 300.15, 300.17]. Contain all splices in enclosures [300.15], except for splices and terminations in fire alarm devices and utilization equipment (e.g., detectors) [760.30(A)(1)]. This rule does not apply to multiconductor NPLFA cables for circuits operating at 150V or less [760.30].

Conductor size. Only copper conductors can be used for fire alarm systems. You can use conductors of sizes 18 AWG and 16 AWG (installed in a raceway, enclosure, or listed cable) if they do not supply a load that exceeds the ampacities given in 402.5. Conductors larger than 16 AWG must not supply loads greater than the ampacities given in 310.15 [760.27(A)].

Conductor insulation. Use conductors with a 600V insulation rating, and comply with Article 310. For conductors 18 AWG and 16 AWG, comply with 760.27(B). Table 402.3 provides application provisions [760.27(B) FPN].

Number of Conductors in a Raceway. Comply with the fill requirements of 300.17 [760.25].


PLFA requirements, found in Part III of Article 760, apply to the load side of the circuit. For supply side wiring and equipment, use Part II (NPLFA), as well as the general installation rules in chapters 1 through 4  [760.51].

Wiring methods. You can use NPLFA wiring methods and materials [760.52(A)], if you choose, instead of PLFA. The PLFA wiring requirements are minimal 760.52(B)]. You can sum them up this way: Put cable splices or terminations in listed fittings, boxes, etc., and ensure exposed cables are adequately supported (Figure 760-15).

Separation from power conductors. Provide a minimum of 2 inches of separation between PLFA conductors and conductors of electric light, power, Class 1, or NPLFA circuits, unless you meet the requirements of 760.55(G) (Figure 760-16). Don’t put PLFA conductors in any enclosure, raceway, or cable with conductors of electric light, power, Class 1, or NPLFA circuit conductors, except when you:

  • Provide barriers.
  • Meet the requirements outlined in 760.55(D), one of which is these conductors are present solely for connection to the same equipment.

Class 2, Class 3, and communications circuits. Class 3 and communications circuits can be in the same cable, enclosure, or raceway as PLFA circuits [760.56(A)]. Class 2 circuits can be in the same cable, enclosure, or raceway as PLFA circuits—if the Class 2 circuit conductor insulation isn’t less than that required for the PLFA circuits [760.56(B), 760.82(C)].

You can’t install audio system circuits [760.56(D), 640.9(C)] (using Class 2 or Class 3 wiring methods) in the same cable or raceway with PLFA conductors or cables.


Part IV of Article 760 details the listing requirements. This information is primarily for manufacturers. What this means for you is this: use the cables listed for the application.

The NEC doesn’t require outside or underground cable to be listed, but the cable must be approved by the AHJ as suitable for the application per 90.4, 90.7, and 110.2.

Give special consideration to cables in areas that move or transport environmental air, so as to reduce the hazards that arise from the burning of conductor insulation and cable jackets. Because listed plenum-rated cables have adequate fire-resistance and low smoke-producing characteristics, you can use them in environmental air space. But you can’t use them in ducts or plenums.

Before deciding how to install fire system equipment or wiring, turn to Article 760. Apply the requirements of Part I, regardless of the power level. Apply the requirements of Part II to the supply side and to load side wiring and equipment of NPLFA. Don’t apply Part III requirements unless the power source for the circuit is a Class 3 transformer or power supply, or it’s a listed PLFA power source [760.41].

If you find it more economical to apply Part II requirements in place of Part III requirements, Article 760 allows you to do so. Review a line drawing of the circuits involved, before making this determination.


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  • Great article, but the referenced Figures were not included (such as Figure 760-6 or Figure 760-11).

    Can you send a new article with all of the Figures included?

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  • Reply from: Amuoeanda   
    to the operation of this statute of Charles II. which had been commerce and navigation in particular, how many ship-builders, sailors,
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    Reply from: Marvnria   
    Thirdly, of the improvements of land, of what has been profitably laid out by means of money in England then as well as now. The quantity of
    Reply to Marvnria

    Reply from: Maressia   
    in. This expedient succeeded so well, that it more than doubled8qeBxD8p4EhYand their dispersed situation renders it altogether impossible
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    Reply from: Helscpen   
    channel less advantageous than that in which it would run of its8qeBxD8p4EhYother two-thirds. The old money rents of colleges must, according to this
    Reply to Helscpen

  • more information the better

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  • Good information. I will add this to my file. However I hold off copying many atricles because I can never get a good printer friendly version. The heading should be minimal and I usually have a page or two at the end I can just throw away. Let me know if I'm doing something wrong. Keep up the good work. bg

    Robert Gebert
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  • Reply from: Kazelknu   
    Hi webmaster!
    Reply to Kazelknu

  • Great article. keep them coming

    Terry Richardson
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  • Reply from: Thomas J. Rys   
    Does BRK mean they want the (RED) NPLF cable to be used to power residential 120vac Ion or Photo smoke alarms instead of 14/3 romex? Also is it a violation against the NFPA/AHJ/UL to use for instance a FIre-lite MS-4 in your house as a supervised fire alarm system in place of 120ac smokes or a 12vdc security system that is capable of supporting 2 or 4-wire smoke detectors? I don't like the idea of using a burg system as a fire/burg system (even though it's cheaper) because they are very current limited if you want to add sounder smokes (and would require UL listed fire power supplies). Also, I wonder if NFPA/AHJ/UL would require you to have pull stations in your house if you use installed a commercial system? Even if your local only and have no masterbox, radio box, or digital communicator,etc.? Personally a commercial system may be expensive but is more reliable as they provide supervision in the event of wiring/electrical/maint./CPU faults. Any info
    Reply to Thomas J. Rys

  • The prohibition in 760.21 against powering fire alarm circuits from an AFCI protected circuit does not make sense for residential smoke alarms that are hardwired and interconnected if NFPA does not consider these to be a a fire alarm system.

    Residential smoke and carbon monoxide alarms that are hardwired eventually do need to be included in NFPA 72 and Article 760 because people are using these as fire alarm systems. Also, a battery powered smoke alarm SHOULD be treated as a self-contained fire alarm but NFPA 72 does not cover this even though these are valuable devices.

    Also, I see residential smoke alarms that are hardwired and interconnected in small commercial applications because they are cheap and easy to get. I have asked fire alarm system manufacturers to send me literature on formal fire alarm systems and what they send me is literature on fancy panels that are meant for large buildings, not for single family dwellings or small commercial buildings where a cheap and simple system is what they need.

    BRK Electronics, which is the maker of First Alert, claims that residential smoke alarms that run on 120 volts MUST be wired using non-power limited fire alarm cable in accordance with NEC article 760 and that these devices MUST NOT be on a AFCI protected circuit. They also recommend using a hard wired uninterruptiple power supply for the 120 volts which defeats the purpose of an AFCI. Perhaps they are

    It is nonsense to let or require people to use residential smoke alarms as a fire alarm system and then say that it is NOT a fire alarm system covered by NFPA 72 and NEC article 760. This worries me a lot.. This is justy like calling a dog's tail a leg and then saying that it has 5 legs which was one of Abraham Lincoln's metaphors.

    The trip point of an AFCI is such that an electrical item in a residence could catch fire and then the AFCI trips knocking out the smoke alarms right before the smoke alarm would sense the fire. If a combustible component is sent on fire in this scenario there could be a very big lawsuit.

    I also know a small business owner who has 3 interconnected smoke alarms and he and his customers and employees IGNORED the low battery chirp for the better part of 2 years. Therefore, the low battery chirp does not work in actual practive. Part of the problem is that people do not know what that chirp is and simulating a low battery or keeping almost dead batteries around to educate our customers could be very difficult. Another part of the problem is that the only stepladder at this place for replacing the batteries is a big clunky wooden thing that takes 2 or 3 people to move from room to room.

    What some smoke alarm manufactures have done about the AFCI issue is to stick 10 year lithium batteries into smoke alarms. This would only be valid for ionization smoke alarms that have a bit of radioactive material that lasts for 10 years. For photoelectric smoke alarms and heat detectors this is not a valid idea because these devices last indefinitely.

    Also, almost everymanufacturer of residential smoke alarms has a relay that can be used to tie these devices to a fire alarm panel so that they do fall under NFPA 72 and NEC article 760.

    Mike Cole, mc5w at earthlink dot net

    Michael R. Cole
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  • I forgot to mention that one of the purposes of a fire alarm control panel is to monitor the input and output circuits for continuity. An output device such as bell or horn is usually a continuously closed circuit device when applying a SMALL voltage that does not pull in the armature. Therefore, checking output circuits for continuity requires no special wiring.

    In the case of input circuits there are 2 typical schemes. The circuit for 4-wire cable sends power out over 2 pairs of wires and the other pair has normally open sensor contacts across it. At the far end of the circuit ( for analof systems ) there is a resistor, either 4,700 Ohms or 10,000 Ohms bridged across the signal pair and this is connected to a device that opens the resistor when the power pair fails. A Wheatstone bridge ( for analog systems ) at the control box monitors this resistor. If the resistance drops too much then a sensor contact has closed or the signal pair is shorted. If the resistance is too high then there is an open circuit or a dying connection somewhere. Digitally addressable 4-wire circuits have a similar scheme where the end of circuit device has an address and the control box periodically checks the status of that device.

    Analog burglar alarm circuits use a similar principle but that a plain resistor is usually the only end of circuit device.

    For 2-wire cable the circuit starts at 2 terminals at the control box, daisy chains through each device, and then stops at another 2 terminals at the control box. The control box can then directly check each wire for continuity. For the digitally addressable version of this circuit you can get modules that will partition the circuit into 2 circuits if there should be a short or open between sensing devices in the chain. This allows most of the circuit to function until repairs can be effected even though the continuity monitoring has been temporarily lost. There is not a valid reason why somebody cannot make a fire alarm control box that will do the same thing for 3-wire plus ground smoke and carbon monoxide alarms just as long as the cable comes back from the farthest device to the monitoring terminals.

    I have to partially take back a small part of what I wrote below. There is a manufacturere that does make 2, 4, and 6 circuit control boxes in addition to their fancy digitally addressable panels. A 4 circuit box is ideal for typical houses because what they need are:

    1. A fire alarm circuit with smoke alarms and heat detectors. In a house manual pull stations are a bad idea because children and some adults do not uderstand the word no.

    2. A carbon monoxide alarm circuit which requires an interposing relay to connect to the fire alarm panel.

    3. A circuit that detects furnace failure using 40 degree Fahrenheit thermostats from this one fire alarm manufacturer.

    4. A circuit that detects basement flooding.

    A rather significant difference between an analog fire alarm circuit and a digital circuit is that a digital circuit can figure out WHERE a circuit is broken and do some of the troubleshooting for you. This is invaluable in larger buildings but too complex for a house or storefront that needs 3 to 12 sensors.

    Some of the newer technology smoke and carbon monoxide alarms have replaced the low battery chirp with vioce messages.

    One criticism of NFPA and UL listed fire alarm boxes is that they should be treating carbon monoxide sensors as a mandantory part of fire alarm systems. A broken furnace is a condition that does require evacuation of a building and for that matter a carbon monoxide alarm might even detect a fire sooner than a smoke detector. I can see why NFPA and UL do not want to do this because carbon monoxide alarms only live about 3 years. The technology just simply needs to improve.

    Michael R. Cole
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  • The specific data shown above for the values of end-of-line supervisory resistors is not accurate. In fact these values vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and only the data from the specific manufacturer for a specific fire alarm control panel should be relied on for resistor values.

    Tom Donohoe
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