Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

Want Mike Holt to answer your question?
Now's your chance...

Mike will be answering questions in real time so it's your opportunity to visit with him. He'll answer your Code questions, as well as questions about business, career, exam preparation, leadership, life, direction - anything.

You'll be able to join him by going to MikeHolt.com/Live. You can pre-register, and we'll send you a reminder email. When you log in to the live stream you'll be able to ask your question, but in case it gets busy and you want to be sure Mike gets to your question, you can email it to him in advance.

Here's the schedule (all times Eastern Daylight time):
Week 1: April 6-9 Mo, Tu, We, Th 9pm - 10pm (EDT)
Week 2: April 14-16 Tu, We, Th 7pm - 8pm (EDT)
Week 3: April 21-23 Tu, We, Th 5pm - 6pm (EDT)
Week 4: Apr 28-30 Tu, We, Th 3pm - 4pm (EDT)
Watch at MikeHolt.com/live
Click here to email your question

Click on the thumbnail on the left to see my message.

Let's make it our time to be together and share. I'll see you there!


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