Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

Web Security, Hacking, Phishing Warning

The following email was circulated today throughout our office by Brian House, our Vice Present of Digital/Technical Training. I thought I would share it with you - its a shame that we need to protect ourselves from things like this while trying to protect ourselves from the virus.


With the recent fixation on the COVID-19 situation, many of us find our inbox full of email and alert notifications from various sources. Hackers, both private and sponsored, have started to exploit people with carefully crafted emails that attempt to phish your personal information.

Please do not visit any site or click any link that was emailed to you and DO NOT forward it to anyone to ask if it's okay to open. DELETE IT! If you really need to know what it's about either call the sender or visit the senders site by physically typing in the site name and looking for the information.

Also, be very cautious about purchasing testing kits of any kind from the web or responding to any government assistance emails. There are numerous scams going on right now that involve purchasing inexpensive COVID-19 test kits or applying for government assistance. These are scams and should be deleted.

Many of the sites are built by talented hackers using information directly from the news and are very believable. I pray you are all cautious and stay safe. Please know that I'm available to assist with any tech-related questions.

God Bless,

Brian House

Brian House
Vice-President, Digital and Technical Training

Brian oversees our technology policy, information security, and software development efforts. During the recent weeks Brian's team has been assisting schools nationwide to transition to online learning due to school closures. If you need help transitioning your school to an online learning platform made specifically for the electrical industry, contact him at Brian@mikeholt.com.

  • thank you, everything about the mike holt organization is great including emails like this, good work boys

    brian jones  May 6 2020, 9:42 am EDT
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  • Thanks for sharing this information Mike. Hope you and your family, and everyone at Mike Holt Enterprises stay safe and healthy during these trying times.

    John   March 28 2020, 7:05 pm EDT
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  • Thanks Mike & Brian for this. Hopefully this will ne over soon and our lives go back to normal.

    Tom Garbo  March 28 2020, 12:32 am EDT
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