Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source
You don't want to miss this exciting event. Be a part of the action and join me and industry experts for a behind-the-scenes pass to this 5-day recording for my new Electrical Fundamentals product.
  • Ask Questions. The team will be answering in real-time.
  • Give Feedback. Your comments and observations will help us make this an even better product and exciting event.
I'll see you there!

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August 15, Thursday: 1pm - 5pm EST
August 16, Friday: 9am - 5pm EST
August 17, Saturday: 9am - 5pm EST
August 18, Sunday: 9am - 5pm EST
August 19, Monday: 9am - 5pm EST

Watching the streaming was rewarding and enjoyable. It was a great insight to see different interpretations of sections and articles from each of the members. Allowing viewers to ask questions as we progressed through the articles was great; this is a warm welcome to those in industry. The behind the scenes and humorous parts of live streaming makes these enjoyable. Looking forward to the next sessions. - Jason Foraker

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