Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

Memorial Day - A Time to Remember

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The Meaning of Memorial Day

Since the earliest ceremonies in small American towns following the Civil War, we have gathered on Memorial Day to honor and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation. As in those early days of laying wreaths and placing flags, our national day of remembrance is often felt most deeply among the families and communities who have personally lost friends and loved ones.

This national holiday may also be the unofficial start of the summer season, but all Americans must take a moment to remember the sacrifice of our valiant military service members, first responders and their families. Memorial Day is a day of both celebration and grief, accounting for the honor of our heroes and reflecting on their tragic loss.

ECM Q&A Image

While Veterans Day is the day to thank and honor the contribution of all those who have served and continue to serve our country, on Memorial Day we pay tribute to those who never got to come home - they gave their lives for our freedom.

Click on the image, or the following link for a moving tribute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KguRxcHpOL8.

We Remember Them, We Honor Them

The Mike Holt Team

  • Thank you for always acknowledging or veterans. My dad, Alfred F. Illustrato is "a world's greatest generation" WW11 war veteran. Wounded three times, he went back onto the battlefield after treatment and performed courageously. He also became an electrician and served proudly with Local Union #3 I.B.E.W.

    vito j. illustrato  May 25 2018, 2:53 pm EDT
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  • I'm a vet. I didn't see war, that god. this video really brings it home. thank you to ALL who served and the families too.

    doug  May 25 2018, 2:01 pm EDT
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  • Thank you, Mike, and all those who remember those who gave all in defense of our country.

    Heinz Rosen  May 25 2018, 12:23 pm EDT
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  • Thanks, Mike

    George Horrocks  May 25 2018, 2:42 am EDT
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  • Thanks, Mike

    George Horrocks  May 25 2018, 2:42 am EDT
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