Hi, I'm Mike Holt. I want to thank you for taking the time to read my letter about the upcoming EC&M Bonding & Grounding Training Event. I personally encourage you to come to this training. Brian House of Mike Holt Enterprises will be presenting and it's going to be a great program. He is going to share lots of graphics and real-world photos, and you'll leave with a great textbook. You will have the opportunity to personally ask Brian questions before and during the class.
Brian is a high-energy entrepreneur with a passion for doing business the right way. He's a licensed electrical contractor, and worked in varying aspects of electrical contracting throughout the southeast United States since the 1990s. Brian has firsthand experience with the ups and downs of electrical contracting and a vision for its future. He has been teaching seminars more than 17 years.
You might be wondering, "Yeah I understand but is it still really worth my effort and my time? Is it going to mean an important career move?"
I'll just give you a short story. In 1975 I was facing the same decision. It's a lot of money, a lot of time, a lot of effort. Was it a good idea or not? I attended an EC&M code conference. The presenter was Joe
McPartland, a famous presenter. Within 20 minutes I was like," YES!; this is exactly what I wanted". I had information that was the truth, that was factual. He knew what he was talking about. He was very accessible and it was so exciting I was on fire. Five years later, I was able to get on the EC&M team and I started doing conferences with Joe. It was a great mentorship that he provided me and now I'm thrilled in my 36th year with EC&M to mentor Brian as Joe did for me. Come to the conference ” you are going to have a great time with Brian. Reach out to me personally afterwards and let me know how it turned out.
"This training really was a great career move. Brian really knew his stuff and made the training engaging!" -past attendee