One of the most confusing topics in electrical design and installation work is bonding and grounding ” especially as it relates to National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements. Bad design decisions, misapplication of rules, and improper installation techniques lead to power quality problems and serious safety situations.
Join Mike Holt for 2-days at the EC&M Bonding & Grounding Training Event. This dynamic training event promises to clear up many misconceptions about bonding and grounding, and break down NEC Article 250 (and all related Articles from 90 to 820) into everyday language that anyone can understand. It will clear up confusing or seemingly conflicting NEC rules and give tips on proper installations, cautions, and warnings of dangers related to improper installations.
Topics that will be covered include, but are not limited to:
- Electrical fundamentals
- Grounded versus ungrounded systems
- System grounding versus equipment grounding
- Grounding myths
There’s no better way to learn than in one of EC&M ’s training events, featuring Mike Holt as the instructor. Mike's ability to explain these rules and their practical application in real world settings will help you properly apply bonding and grounding requirements on each and every one of your future projects; thus, minimizing the risk of electric shock and fire.
This training session is built around Mike Holt's Illustrated Guide to Understanding NECRequirements for Bonding & Grounding. Attendees will receive their own personal copy of this book prior to the start of the session.
Register today and reserve your hotel space in Rosemont by October 19, 2017!