Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

Jail Time and $50,000 in Fines for Illegal Electrical Work Done in Milton Homes

Burlington, Ontario court sends serious message to those who put public safety at risk.


The Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) reported on a July 24 ruling by a Canadian court sentencing a contractor to five days in jail plus fines (including a victim surcharge) for doing electrical work illegally.

David John, who has been known to operate as Kenchiku Developments Inc. and Skookum Developments, was found guilty on two counts of working without an electrical contractor's licence and two counts of failing to apply for an electrical inspection. The charges were related to illegal electrical work done in homes in Milton - specifically the installation of interior and exterior pot lights.

Unfortunately it has become too common to see advertising on flyers, signs and online for electrical work particularly pot light installations," says Scott Saint, Chief Public Safety officer, Electrical Safety Authority. "Homeowners need to know that electrical work done outside the law - even for something as commonplace as pot lights - is a safety risk if not done properly, and it's illegal."

How to Ensure You Hire a Licensed Electrical Contractor
In Ontario, only Licensed Electrical Contractors are legally allowed to conduct electrical work for hire. When hiring someone to do work, homeowners and businesses are reminded to:

  • Check to ensure the contractor holds all required qualifications and licences - including an ECRA/ESA licence for electrical work.
  • Confirm the contractor has secured all appropriate permits and inspections.
  • Request a copy of the ESA Certificate of Inspection from the contractor once the work is complete. This document confirms the work was done in compliance with the Ontario Electrical Safety Code and is important for resale and insurance purposes, as well as peace of mind.

This article was provided to us by Electrical Safety Authority.
Visit www.esasafe.com for more information on how to verify or find a licensed Electrical contractor.

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"... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" [Joshua 24:15]

  • I did not see in the article if the wiring was done incorrectly? Just because someone has a license does not ensure they properly wired it. Was there any harmed entity in these cases? If it was properly wired, whether he had a license should really be irrelevant.

    Jeremie  August 28 2017, 2:40 pm EDT
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  • We pray every days in North Carolina for a law like this. It is a disaster up here!

    Alexei Chaviano  August 26 2017, 4:58 am EDT
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  • The fines I can understand, the jail time for a civil matter is another thing. If nobody was harmed, and there was no property damage, how can that be a criminal act? Is Canada getting like the US, where government agencies can just make up arbitrary laws? And, enforce them as if they had standing.

    Joebanana  August 25 2017, 6:32 pm EDT
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  • I'm surprised that the authorizes didn't have more of a problem with the pot, than they did with the pot light installer. Actually, this is the first time that I have heard recessed lights or can lights called pot lights. Ha ha

    Lynn E. Palmer  August 25 2017, 3:31 pm EDT
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  • Have not yet met a Master Electrician who's impressed me to much. In my line of work, you have to be very knowledgeable in modern Control logix based PLC's running Studio software for example. To having a solid understanding of DC drives, (Amplidyne's, Exciters etc...) Have yet to meet nor hire a so called Master Electrician who has a clue about what we do. Oh they like to say they do, but in reality, they know the letter of the law, but not the word. (Can not practically apply what they supposedly learned in school, but they know what the book says:) I just need those with common sense, I can teach them the rest. This practical ability to apply what you learned using common sense is something I'm sorry to say, master electricians have nothing of. our Master electricians certificates are good for one thing.......putting money in someones pocket. Hmmmm who might that be? Follow the money trail, it leads to the guilty every time;)

    Patrick Grady  August 25 2017, 1:18 pm EDT
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  • In san francisco 30% of electrical work is done by illegals the city is to politically correct to stop of fine them so if they dont follow code why do we electrical contractors be held to higher standards. Its a joke enforce the law or quit your preaching

    bob martin  August 25 2017, 4:49 am EDT
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  • Here in Pennsylvania, there is no licensing for electricians or electrical contractors. Anyone with a screw driver and wire nut can call himself an electrician. Kind of scary, but that's the way it is here. Replacing a breaker panel? No permits needed and no inspections performed. You'd think more people would get electrocuted or more homes burn down here. Based upon the electrical issues we find inspecting homes, maybe PA should institute licensing for electricians.

    Marthew Steger  August 25 2017, 12:03 am EDT
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