For the longest time, I could not understand why I could not find a code rule requiring bonding on both sides of that nipple between the meter enclosure and the disconnect enclosure. Looking at figuires 250-131 and 132, I still could not see why only one side needed it. After I look at these two figuires for a while trying to imagine the fault current path, I finally saw it in my minds eye. But it took me awhile to see it and I'll bet many electricians are struggling with the same question. If I had only scrolled down a little further to figuire 250-133, I would not have had to strain my pea pickin brain so much. So, what I'm trying to say is that your work with your top notch illustrator is really in tune, with most electricians and you and your team continues to put out the best illustrations I have ever seen. The SOARS book is a good book but their illustrations cannot hold a candle to yours and I think your text is a little better also. I have had many, many teachers over the years and your team is near the top in my book and on the very top by far where electrical training is concerned. That last illustration 250-133 put a big smile on my face and I'll bet on many others faces.
Ralph Greene Ralph Greene Reply to this comment |