This article was posted 04/06/2006 and is most likely outdated.

Notice Regarding Newsletter Content

Subject - Notice Regarding Newsletter Content

April 6, 2006  

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Notice Regarding Newsletter Content

Our Newsletter is a free service intended to primarily cover electrical industry-related issues. The distribution of Newsletter topics have been as follows for 2005:


Nonindustry-Related Topics. There are times when we’ll send out a Newsletter to let you know about or offer you special discounts on our products.  In addition, when we think someone else's product or company deserves attention, we'll let you know. Generally, these announcements are related to the "little guys" who really need a helping hand to get an innovated product to the market.

Once in awhile we’ll send out a Newsletter on a topic that we just think you should know about… something to lighten and brighten your day, or to help put things into perspective.

As a Newsletter subscriber to our free service, you will receive some information that might not be of any value to you. If you don’t see the value, simply delete it.

Privacy Policy:  We have not and will not share any subscriber's personal information. We value your membership and hope you continue to enjoy our free service.

God Bless, Mike Holt

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Do you have a friend, relative, or colleague who you think would be interested in receiving this free newsletter? If so, we encourage you to forward this message along to them. If you received this email from someone else, and wish to receive your own free issues of our newsletter, sign up today!

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Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Mike Holt Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
This article is protected by United States copyright and other intellectual property laws and may not be
displayed or published on the internet without the prior written permission of Mike Holt Enterprises, Inc.     1-888-NEC-CODE (1-888-632-2633)

  • Keep sending all the info you have. There is very little that I don't find interesting.

    Rich Dubiel

    Rich Dubiel
    Reply to this comment

  • Keep up the good work

    Bob Vedder
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  • Mike,

    I think your news letters are great. I am buidling inspector in a small city and will be starting a new job requiring significant electrical input. Thank you and keep up the great information

    George Mellen
    Reply to this comment

  • Mike, I truly appreciate what you do for the electrical community. Most of what you send out is of value. What I receive, I use. It sounds like some folks would like you to do what only pleases them. Encourage them to start their own WEB site. God bless you, Mike and thanks for your commitment.

    George Koron
    Reply to this comment

  • Mike,

    What can I add, the newsletter is great. As a small contractor I get most of my information from you.

    I like the industry related material.

    I like the non industry related material and wish YOU WOULD ADD MORE.

    Marty Sutton, Alaska

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  • Keep up the good work! And may God continue to bless you!

    Lee Barden
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  • Mike and team - Thank you for the good work you are doing. Whenever I see email from you, I take the time to look at it because I know the value of what you send out. I have learned much from the information you have posted over the years, both electrical and non-electrical.

    Keep up the good work.

    God bless Paul

    Paul Ternstrom
    Reply to this comment

  • Mike, I, as well as many others, appreciate what you do for the electrical community. It is my opinion, that what you send out is both informative as well as enlightening. If some individuals complain about the Relevance or the Personal Aspect, then all I can say is “Click” the “Unsubscribe” God bless you, Mike! Thank you for providing the FREE Service and Most of all, your commitment!

    Roland Peters
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  • Do not Change, Do not Bend! Keep up the good work on all levels.

    God Bless You!

    James Chapline

    James Chapline
    Reply to this comment

  • Hey Mike,

    You're absolutely the "Top Dog" in my book and thanks for your great work. Regards, JB

    Jim Beck
    Reply to this comment

  • I do appreciate receiving your news letter. You and your staff do a great service to the industry and the occasional comment or "sales tip" are neither bothersome nor intrusive. Keep up the good work and thanks again.

    Reply to this comment

  • Thank you Mike

    I find the information very usefull, keep up the good work.

    God Bless Tony Melikian

    Tony Melikian
    Reply to this comment

  • I enjoy this letter. I am a field engineer in Omaha Nebraska for an MSO CATV Company (Cox) and your grounding and bonding is what I use it for.

    Thanks for being there Mike.

    Ken Yagodinski
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  • I've been getting your newletters for a few years now and really like them. I think they provide valuable information and can't believe that they are free. The content is fine with me. Keep up the good work Mike. Thanks!!

    Greg Evers
    Reply to this comment

  • Keep doing what you are currently doing - great information and well appreciated.

    Regards - RichardS

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  • Mike; Just to let you know I appreciate all of your content industry related or not...

    Jack Dwight
    Reply to this comment

  • Your newsletter is of great benefit to every one. You are providing a great service to the electrical industry and every body is aware of this fact. All the materials and sources in your newsletters are just perfect and useful in every day dealings and answer a lot of questions raised by many people in the electrical industry.

    God bless,


    Carlos Gil

    Carlos Gil Navedo
    Reply to this comment

  • mike you are the spark and driving force of the future and present industry. Thanks for your help your info is simple and to the point!!! Love your pasion to inspire the electrician you have in me. Love to get a workshop in albany new york. Centrally located in new england,i know you have been in boston mass,missed the workshop. I need to get my masters too busy working and can't take time to take and PASS the test in vermont. We have to set an example for SAFTEY and you have showed us how!!!! GOD BLESS TOO YOU MIKE!!!

    samuel restino bennington vt
    Reply to this comment

  • There is very little more that could be added to the dozens of repys that you have already recieved.

    Bravo Zulu/ Thank you too Mike Holt and his great team

    Nicholas Clark
    Reply to this comment

  • With tongue firmly in cheek, I would say the only uninteresting or unneccessary newsletter I've received from this fine organization, or it's founder, was this one! :~)

    Greg Batz
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  • Dear Mike, Thanks for all the information you freely give away. I think it is great that you are not afraid to let people know that you are Christian and that it creates the hope that lies within you. It is obvious from the amount of free material you give away that you truly want others to gain knowledge about this subject and are not in it to make a gazillion dollars. I am assuming you are sending this email in response to people complaining about you bombarding them with unrelated information. It seems more people complain in this world than will ever complement. So to help offset the complainers I am writing to say thanks for all the information over the years. May God continue to bless your work. Hope you guys have recovered from your run in with God’s weather system. Sincerely, Jeremie Schultz

    Jeremie Schultz
    Reply to this comment

  • Hi Mike- I enjoy the ones that are other than electrical . My wife fixed the roast and it was good. We enjoy the meteor showers. I enjoy the news letter. Keep up the good work

    Reply to this comment

  • Keep up the great work i enjoy all your news some i use some i don't its all up tome . KEEP IT UP AND THANK YOU AND ALL YOUR STAFF.

    Reply to this comment

  • Ditto, I like the balance of thechnical electrical, with a little spice of real life, or where life should be. I have been challanged, but never offended by some of the personal convictions and/or views that are sparsley sprinkled in these news letters. Case in point the newsletter about stress management, at first I thought "Hey were does this fit in?" However after reading it a second time, I thought "thanks". Too many contractors fail because of the over concern of being a good trades person at the expense of being a good business person. Bottom line, if I think a newletter is off base or does not pertain; I just use the almighty "Shift+Delete" maneuver.

    JD White
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  • Dear Mike, Over the years I have received your newsletter and have appreciated getting all the information. On occasion some has been over my head, some has been not directly related to my field or interest and some I have a special file and I have saved them for many years. I have always appreciated receiving all the newsletters you sent. The most have been the ones that occasionly have made me stop and think of something besides work or the electrical field. They have been the personal ones. You are right when you say we have the choice not to read them. A simple click of the (DELETE) button is all it takes and well enough said. Please do not feel you have to justify anything you put on your newsletter. Thank you so much for putting it out and for all the great information.

    Maria Riojas
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  • Thank you, Mike, for all the lessons and commentary!

    Mark Jones
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  • My Friends -

    I like reading your newsletters, period ... I have enjoyed the wonderful essays, news pieces, research accesses, stories, pictures, and I have recommended your newsletter to lots of people (I hope that is alright).

    I felt for you guys during the bad weather and your troubles, and felt happy when you got back in business and were alright.

    I'm no salesman, but I advertise safety and understanding every chance I get and your newsletter and the articles you send us to have helped me to be a better student of this subject ...

    Thank you! Bill Maddox General Journeyman Electrician

    Bill Maddox
    Reply to this comment

  • I appreciate ALL of your newsletters - regardless of their content!

    SHEESH! It's not like you send out chain letters or stuff like that!

    Reply to this comment

  • Mike,

    Please keep up the good work. You provide a very valuable tool to our industry. I would much rather read your newsletter, which is informative and uplifting, than the morning newspaper, which is, well, less than informative and uplifting.

    We all understand that you have to pay the bills, and even an occasional commercial can be informative. I think it is wonderful that you are willing to give someone who has developed a new product, a venue that they might not have otherwise.

    Thanks for all you do, and keep those letters coming.

    William A. Boyd
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  • Mike,

    I have enjoyed your electrical (and other) information for many years now. It is my favorite professional e-mail. You have answered many questions for me through the years. I always learn something that may save a life. How much better can it get than that? Have a Blessed Easter. Joe Grelish

    Joe Grelish
    Reply to this comment

  • Dear Mike ,

    Javier Chavez
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  • Dear Mike ,

    Javier Chavez
    Reply to this comment

  • Thank you for providing this service. It is not only informative but helps us to be aware of un-intentional consequences which may occur out of seemingly good design intentions or poor installation practices by un-qualified or irresponsible installers and designers. Your code insight is consistently “ON TARGET". The Grounding and Boding series is excellent and has helped dispel many of the over-design practices which have long evolved, partially resulting from un-informed inspectors and in-experienced engineers on this topic. Be assured that you are providing a valued service to us all. With kind regards and appreciation, may you continue to be blessed.

    MIke Balog
    Reply to this comment

  • My invention as published at is a revolutionary idea that will reduce transformer core losses by 25% and more. It is easy to implement. This is big news for everybody who makes or buys transformers (or uses electricity) to know. We need to get this done as soon as possible so that in the future there is not so much 24 hour a day losses driving electric bills up so high. I will appreciate it is you would read what I have published on my site and let me know what you think. Thanks, in advance. r.j.g.

    Ronald J. Gramm
    Reply to this comment

  • Dear Mike ,

    I've been on your site for almost 2 yrs. , Information has been worthwhile and is shared among co-workers and friends as well as with family . Safety issues is the most important of these whether through shared knowledge , personal experiences , or outside sources . Thanks for all !!! Mike

    Javier Chavez
    Reply to this comment

  • This is a great service. Just keep it up.

    Richard G. Franklin
    Reply to this comment

  • I share your points with my students each week of class; and really like you little pictures. As we all know a picture is worth a bunch of words. Craig

    Craig Latham
    Reply to this comment

  • Sounds like someone has been whinning again! Don't change a thing. Get over it folks.

    Jim Robinson
    Reply to this comment

  • Anyone can provide trade information. You beautifully intersperse personal stories that help us all out here in cyberworld to actually feel like we know the Mike Holt team. Your priorities are obviously very much in order. And "God bless" is the best part of all!

    Darlene M. Fritz
    Reply to this comment

  • God bless you, Mike! You're doing a great job that is very appreciated.

    Gene McMeen
    Reply to this comment

  • Just like to say THANKS for all you bring to the table for us.

    Thinks Bill

    Bill Fex
    Reply to this comment

  • Thank you

    Doug Harrison
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  • Keep up the good work and thanks for the time spent on the web site.

    Lou Willis
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  • Thanks for the news lettter I enjoy it. Even some of the none electrical items . Thanks for a great service.

    Bruce Hathaway
    Reply to this comment

  • Mike,

    You're offering a valuable service to us. Keep up the good work......Industry related, or non-industry related.

    Thank you.

    Harald Loer
    Reply to this comment

  • Just wanted to let you know your doing a great job with the newsletter. Elizabethton, TN.

    Norman Jackson
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