Code Forum Recap - July 2014

Mike Holt's Code Forum - July 2014
Top 30 New Topics

Another great resource from Mike Holt Enterprises! The following is a list of the top topics discussed on our code forum in the past month. Simply click on any topic that interests you to read or join in the discussion. If you’re not already registered as a code forum member, click here to sign up now!


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  • In regard to starting a business on your own, please remember that you will be literally married to that business. Think about that! Next! Unless you do provide retirement for yourself, you will have none. Think about that! Some day you will want to retire.That is a fact.! If you do not have some one to work for you, you will be without pay while sick or injured, and the job goes without completion.

    Now, as a electrician, all doors open for you for decent pay jobs, most with all the bennies included, including retirement plans, vacations and sick leave. Construction is booming right now. Just find a large company to work for, or even a Government, or Hospital job. I know, I have been there and done that, as they say. Good luck in what ever you do.

    Bill Hart  August 5 2014, 1:36 pm EDT
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