National Electrical Safety Month

Electrical Safety


imageMay was Electrical Safety Month but it’s never too late and never enough when it comes to practicing electrical safety.


The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) is dedicated exclusively to promoting electrical safety in the home, school, and workplace, and is the proud sponsor of National Electrical Safety Month each May.

In celebration of Electrical Safety Month 2014, ESFI announced the launch of Electrical Safety Illustrated. In this magazine ESFI addresses timely electrical safety issues to equip the public with the knowledge to better protect their home, family and communities from electrical hazards

While they touch on a variety of topics, they acknowledge that they recognize they must also go back to the basics to ensure a fundamental understanding surrounding electrical safety.  Each section provides only an overview of the issues and they encourage you to visit their website, www.esfi.org, to delve deeper into the subjects. Click on the image or follow this link to download the PDF: http://www.esfi.org/index.cfm/pk/download/id/13323/pid/10272

See more at: http://www.esfi.org/index.cfm/cdid/13323/pid/10272#sthash.V3LJo9EP.dpuf


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