This article was posted 02/21/2006 and is most likely outdated.

Grounding versus Bonding and Surge Protection Devices (SPDs)

Topic - Grounding and Bonding
Subject - Grounding versus Bonding and Surge Protection Devices (SPDs)

February 21, 2006 

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Grounding versus Bonding and Surge Protection Devices (SPDs)

Mike: This is text from IEEE C62.72 that is being published soon. I feel there is some confusion between what is actually bonding and what is actually grounding.

11. Grounding
The purpose of system grounding is to stabilize the voltage rise between any phase conductor and earth or any phase conductor and neutral during normal operations and limit the voltage rise during abnormal conditions. Such abnormal voltage conditions can originate from lightning or line surges, unintentional contact with higher voltage lines, accidental grounding of a system conductor, or arcing ground fault conditions.

The system grounding also provides a low impedance path for a flow of current between system conductors and earth in order to initiate the operation of protective devices.
MH: False, to clear a fault, metal parts must be bonded to an effective ground-fault path in accordance with 250.2 and 250.4(A)(3), (4), and (5).

An effective grounding system can prevent excess voltage rises that can exceed the operating limits and equipment insulation levels.
MH: This statement is true.

An effective grounding system can also prevent adverse and objectionable continuity of service and assure that personnel are not inadvertently exposed to the dangers of electric shock.
MH: False, no amount of grounding (earthing) will reduce voltage on metal parts that will assure personnel will be protected against electric shock. However, the bonding of metal parts together does reduce the voltage “between the metal parts,” but not the earth.

A very low impedance ground path that has been properly installed is of paramount importance for the satisfactory operation of any SPD.
MH: This statement is true as it relates to utility distribution systems, but no premises wiring system. For proper operation of premises SPD, the low impedance path is to the source (bonding), not the earth.

It is extremely important that any SPD specifier or user evaluate the grounding requirements for SPDs. Example of questions to consider when evaluating a grounding system are as follows:
a) How is the equipment, to be protected, grounded or referenced to earth?
b) Is there a common ground grid?
c) Is all equipment effectively bonded via low impedance conductive means.
d) Are the distribution or power class transformers, the building structure, and all equipment (to be protected) bonded and referenced to the same grounding electrode or ground grid?
e) What is the resistance between the grounding terminal of the SPD, the equipment to be protected, and the reference grounding electrode or ground grid or system?
f) If the installation is not new, what is the respective age of the existing grounding system? Grounding systems often deteriorate over time.
g) Has the existing grounding system been regularly inspected, maintained, and tested?
MH: All of the above is irrelevant in relationship to SPDs.

Some articles or paragraphs in national, state, or municipal electrical codes require that the path to ground from circuits, equipment, and metal enclosures for conductors have "sufficiently low impedance" to limit the voltage to ground. However, the limitation of such code requirements is that sufficiently low impedance is not defined. These same electrical codes also state that a single electrode consisting of a rod, pipe, or plate that does not have a resistance to ground of 25 ohms or less shall be augmented by one additional electrode. Such wording only specifies the requirement to augment a single electrode by adding one additional electrode if the resistance to ground is 25 ohms or more. The articles do not specify or mandate testing to determine if the initial single electrode provides a resistance, between the single electrode and ground, of 25 ohms or less. In addition, if another electrode is installed, there are no code requirements to verify that the additional electrode had any affect of lowering the resistance below 25 ohms.
MH: True, this is contained in 250.56 of the NEC.

The purposes of the grounding requirements in electrical codes are to require permanent and continuous electrical conductors to safely conduct any fault currents and to limit voltage to ground elevations during abnormal conditions.
MH: False, grounding metal parts to the earth for premises wiring will not limit voltage to ground elevation during abnormal conditions, not does the earth serve any purpose in clearing a ground fault.

Installing a grounding system, which meets the requirements of some electrical codes does may not guarantee a grounding system adequate for successful SPD operations of the selected SPD.
MH: Ground plays no rule in the operation of SPDs, so the ground resistance value is irrevalant.

An ideal grounding system should provide a near zero resistance between bonded components and the grounding electrode of the facility, building, or substation.
MH: True, the voltage between bonded parts and electrode should be close to zero (it doesn’t carry any current and it’s all conductive). But what is the point?

The ground potential rise in any facility increases proportionally to the surge current levels available. High ground potential rises can be created when surge currents impinging on a power distribution system where the facilities grounding system is not effectively bonded and grounded via low impedance means with a relatively high grounding resistance can create significantly high ground potential rises.
MH: True, the premises ground resistance has an impact on ground protection rise from ‘lightning’ but not from a premises ground fault.

These ground potential rises can damage the SPD and cause other hazards and damage that the SPD is intended to prevent.
MH: False, the GPR (voltage of metal parts to remote earth) plays no part in the operation of SPDs. SPDs are not designed to protect electrical equipment against a ground fault (line-to-case fault).

It is therefore recommended that the resistance, between the equipment to be protected and the main grounding electrode, should be 1 ohm or less at the time of installation.
MH: True, bonding of all metal parts is important for proper operation of premises SPD.

In order to verify the grounding resistance, it may be necessary to incorporate soil and grounding resistance testing within the electrical installation specifications for a construction project. Although not normally specified or required, the only way to be assured of the soil and grounding system resistance is through testing. If test results indicate that the ground resistance is high then construction and soil treatment methods exist to lower the soil resistance.
MH: This is true, but the premises ground resistance plays no part in the operation of SPD for premises.

It is not within the scope of this document to specify grounding systems, however, an effective grounding system is critical for the successful operation of any SPD.
MH: False, for the proper operation of premises SPD, a low impedance path is to the source (bonding) is critical, but the earth plays no role.

It is important that the grounding system of any power distribution system receive as much attention in the development phase of construction and during maintenance operations as the energized components and equipment of a power distribution system. An SPD can not be expected to provide adequate protection unless an effective grounding system exists.
MH: False, for the proper operation of premises SPD, a low impedance path is to the source (bonding) is critical, but the earth plays no role.

16.7 Grounding of SPDs
As discussed in Section 11 of this document, the existence and condition of a grounding system, and the connections of SPDs to the ground system, will have a direct effect on the SPD operation and coordination.
MH: False, for the proper operation of premises SPD, a low impedance path is to the source (bonding) is critical, but the earth plays no role.

Deteriorated grounding systems or improper connections of SPDs to the grounding system can eliminate any possibility of coordination and contribute to premature aging of the SPD.
MH: False, for the proper operation of premises SPD, a low impedance path is to the source (bonding) is critical, but the earth plays no role.

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  • Copper or galvanized steel for grounding strip?

    pustinjak saharic
    Reply to this comment

  • This one's interesting, Mike. "Someone" gave you about 17 statements and got almost all of them wrong. I bet lots of us readers thought some of these were true ! I'm 65+ and tell my 20 year old proteges to study Grounding and Bonding, and when they figure it out, to please explain it to me! Grounding & Bonding is the "simplest" subject, yet, at the same time, can be the most difficult. We find grounding & bonding "issues" on almost every project we are asked to review, yet every one of these projects was "passed" by a local AHJ !

    Jim Stroke, PE
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  • Mike, the NEC and it's confusing nomenclature about grounding and bonding seems to live on. The only place I can see that grounding is an issue to SPD's, is when they are protecting communications equipment from surges on external antennas. This is not a "premises SPD" as you aptly describe having little to do with earth ground at all. The communications SPD's however must have absolute minimal impedance and close proximity to earth ground in all cases. GPR/Ground Potential Rise from a nearby lightning strike causes a different kind of damage to communications equipment. Communications SPD's can "fire" in reverse (from the earth up, into coaxial communication lines). Much less voltage is involved in such reverse-firing of SPD's, but it is enough to wreak havoc with sensitive equipment. The only thing (besides fiber optic isolation) that prevents damage from GPR, is fast-acting ground systems that maintain equipotential by means of impecable bonding. The premises main disconnect grounding electrode must also be bonded to the antenna fields and their grounding system in order to minimize damage from GPR. This does give premises SPD's a workout when the antenna fields are taking hits!

    Jack Painter
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  • I am a very bisy guy. I was interested in your topical discussions but I really dont have the time for a long version . How 'bout just writing the bare facts of what your trying to get across to us. For myself this would be a great advantage. Thanx for the info

    Reply to this comment

  • You take grounding vs bonding very seriously don't you? Thank-you for clearing up that issue in my mind. I, too, have used the term "ground" and "bond" loosely and have interchanged them with no regard to meaning. I, now, have a greater appreciation for the meaning of these terms and I am sure I will not confuse them again!!!:) That was a very good correction of a poorly written article!!!

    Nathan D. Abram
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  • Mike:

    Who since the comments concerning SPD grounding in the IEEE C62.72 document?? Please advise. If any person has such misunderstanding of the document and such strong negative comment, then their name and E-MAIL address should be known. Also, it provides an opportunity to invite them to the next IEEE/SPDC meeting.

    Frank Waterer
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  • Mike: Apparently this is proposed text in an upcoming IEEE standard, which I find troubling. The text is very poorly written with regards to what they are trying say and use of industry terms. An example of poorly written language:

    "It is therefore recommended that the resistance, between the equipment to be protected and the main grounding electrode, should be 1 ohm or less at the time of installation."

    The way I interpret this is that the Grounding Electrode Conductor should be 1 ohm or less, not the actual Grounding Electrode ground resistance. Maybe they were talking about the resistance of the grounding electrode conductor, but the following paragraphs lead me to believe they were trying to make a recommendation on the grounding electrode ground resistance. To make a recommendation concerning the ground resistance of the grounding electrode, to me should require some research to back that up. Why not 5 ohms or 2 ohms, where does the 1 ohm come from? Then they should put that recommendation in the proper standard which is IEEE 142 (the Green Book) and IEEE 1100 (the Emerald Book). Plus I completely agree with your rebuttal, grounding electrode ground resistance plays no part in the effectiveness of an SPD (at least not the parallel connected type such as MOV's).

    I think they were trying to address extended overvoltages which are a major cause of MOV SPD failures. But again, since it is so poorly written, it's hard to tell what they were trying to say. I wish the authors of these types of standards would use industry defined terms consistantly and be more precise in their language.

    Thanks for your efforts to improve our industry, Jeff Sobczyk

    Jeff Sobczyk, PE
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  • Reply from: James Wilson, PE   
    The statement does refer to the grounding electrode conductor impedance when it recommends a resistance of 1 ohm or less, but I think they should be focusing the need for low resistance of the 'bond' connection between the grounded conductor and the main ground bus.

    I'm in agreement that the 'earthing' resistance doesn't play a roll in the protective operation of the SPD since it's normally connected to the ground bus, not directly to 'earth'.
    Reply to James Wilson, PE

    Reply from: Jeff Sobczyk, PE   
    James: You read the 1 ohm requirement the same way I did, that the 1 ohm applies to the GEC and not the GE. Two comments on that. 1) If one were follow NEC requirements for a GEC, then the GEC will be well below 1 ohm. 2) If they were talking about the GEC resistance, then why in the next paragraph did they start talking about "soil and grounding resistance testing"? So I believe it could use some improvement and clarity.
    Reply to Jeff Sobczyk, PE

    Reply from: James Wilson, PE   
    I agree. The entire text is riddled with poorly worded statements. Even though I'm a Life/Senior member of the IEEE, I'm sometimes disappointed in the quality of their standards.
    Reply to James Wilson, PE

  • I am working on a grounding and bonding test procedure for a military project and am finding a lot of contradictions and confusion between the different standards. What would help immensely would be if IEEE, NFPA and the military standards would not only standardize terminology, but standardize the scope of the different grounding and bonding systems. Here are some suggestions. Each of these systems should be addressed in a separate section of NFPA 70 Article 250. Notice that I intentionally avoid the word "ground".

    Systems: Earth Electrode Systems Bonding for Lightning Protection Bonding for Fault Protection Bonding for Static Electricity Charge Dissipation Bonding for Hazardous Materials (Classified) Areas Bonding for Sensitive Electronic/Communication Equipment Bonding for EMI Shielding (cabling and enclosures)

    Equipment: Earth Electrode Lightning Electrode Conductor - connection to electrode Lightning Bonding Conductor - connection between terminals Lightning Bonding Jumper - connection to metal objects Fault Electrode Conductor - connection to electrode Fault Bonding Conductor - green wire connection to equipment Fault Bonding Jumper - connection to equipment enclosure Common Conductor - white wire neutral/grounded conductor Common Electrode Bond - single point earth reference Static Jumper/Whip - connection to equipment/personnel Static Plate - accessible bus bar/point of connection Static Bonding Conductor - connection to structure/flooring Static Electrode Conductor - connection to electrode Isolated Bonding Conductor - connection to sensitive equip Cable Bonding Jumper - cable shield connection

    It is interesting to compare the requirements of the following standards, which sometimes completely contradict each other: DA PAM 384-64, Ammunition and Explosives Safety Standards MIL-HDBK-419, Grounding, Bonding, and Shielding for Electronic Equipments and Facilities - Vol 1 Basic Theory; Vol 2 Applications MIL-STD-188-124, Grounding, Bonding and Shielding for Common Long Haul/Tactical Communication Systems Including Ground Based Communications-Electronics Facilities and Equipments MIL-STD-1542, Electromagnetic Compatibility and Grounding Requirements for Space System Facilities DOE M 440.1-1A, DOE Explosives Safety Manual AFI 32-1065, Grounding Systems (including supplement) AFJMAN 32-1082, Technical Manual - Facilities Engineering Electrical Exterior Facilities AFM 91-201, Explosives Safety Standards IEEE Std 81, IEEE Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials of a Ground System IEEE Std 142, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems NFPA 70, National Electrical Code NFPA 70B, Recommended Practice for Electrical Equipment Maintenance NFPA 77, Recommended Practice on Static Electricity NFPA 780, Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems

    Paul A. Harouff, P.E.
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  • The MH Newsletter is an excellent mechanisim for improving the knowledge of electricians at all levels. Grounding and bonding articles, in my opinion, are coming up short. Some comments are sometimes confusing to me unless I take the time to carefully assimilate. I know most electricians will not take the time to assimilate and understand. So, what do I suggest? For example, this article about SPD's might incorporate sketches showing the relationship of the SPD to the windings at the source. It may help understand why earth ground is not involved. Keep up the good work.

    Bill Harris
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  • Mike, is there any way to prevent this misinformation from going out? We seem to be going backwards. How can these guys be so ignorant? Karl

    Karl Riley
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  • Mike,

    Most hardwired surge protectors do provide protection against lightning surges a.k.a. common mode surges which does require a good connection to earth. However, they will always do a better job of limiting the voltage from the hot wires to the equipment grounding and bonding grid than to earth ground.

    A new 2005 NEC requirement that surge arrestors and transient voltage surge suppressors for use on ungrounded systems be rated for the purpose.

    I also have had experience with both 277Y480 volts solidly grounded and 480 volts ungrounded. The 480 volt ungrounded systems in question did not have ground detectors at one company at at the other company ground detectors were connected. 480 volts ungrounded that has no ground detectors has extremely high rates of motor and power electronics damage due to buildup of excessive static electricity during rain storms. There is just no comparison with solidly grounded systems. This is due in part to Saint Elmo's Fire which is a more or less steady trickle of electricity form cloud to ground. This trickle of charge can prematurely wear out SPDs. Saint Elmo's Fire is what Benjamin Franklin really picked up with his kite experiment and if he had picked up anything stronger he would have been toasted.

    Ground detectors on ungrounded systems do play a role in getting rid of excess static charge. This is particularly true of 3 control transformers ( primary side phase to ground ) with 130 volt light bulbs on the secondaries.

    Mike Cole mc5w at earthlink dot net

    Michael R. Cole
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  • Reply from: David Murray   
    GROUNDING VS TVSS PERFORMANCE: Surge suppressors work by diverting a high current, of microseconds in duration, from the phases and neutral conductors to the equipment grounding conductor via the MOVs. The voltage across an MOV when surge current flows through it is low enough that the downstream load, connected in parallel to the MOV, is not damaged. To obtain a large current flow through the MOV there must be a low-impedance return path to the power source, i.e. the equipment grounding conductor. A large surge current cannot flow through earth because the contact resistance to earth is too high, no matter how good the earthing connection is. TVSSs do not require a good connection to earth to effectively clamp transient voltages - they need a low-impedance bonding return path to the source. Grounding merely protects the exposed non-current-carrying metal parts of the TVSS from excessive overvoltages. UL 1449, Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors, says (17.1.1) “TVSS shall be provided with a means for grounding all exposed dead metal parts that might become energized.”

    NEW NEC TVSS REQUIREMENT FOR UL LISTING FOR HIGH RESISTANCE GROUNDED LOADS: TVSSs rated for use on high-resistance grounded systems have always been available, except they have been called “delta rated”. In a 480V delta ungrounded system the voltage to ground of the unfaulted phases during a ground fault rises to 480V from 277V. Hence the MCOV (maximum continuous operating voltage) of the MOV must be 1.73 times higher than an MOV used on a solidly grounded system. Otherwise the MOVs blow up. Examples of 480V, 3-wire, delta-rated TVSS are Eaton Electrical's Vanguard model VG160NN400, and Current Technology's Transguard model TG200-480-3DG. Many people do not understand the difference between a wye-rated and delta-rated TVSS; hence there have been numerous incidents of “wye-rated” TVSS mis-applied on high resistance grounded systems resulting in the MOVs blowing up. NEC 2005 is driving UL 1449 to list a TVSS as suitable for use on high resistance grounded power systems, to reduce the chance of mis-application. The TVSS will not be re-designed – it’ll just be re-labelled. Until UL 1449 updates its standard, delta-rated TVSS are the only ones available that are designed for use on high resistance grounded distribution systems.

    Reply to David Murray

    Reply from: David Murray   
    GROUND DETECTORS ON AN UNGROUNDED POWER SYSTEM: Ground detectors help only in a minor way to discharge the capacitive voltage buildup of the power system to ground. The problem is that the discharge current through the ground detection lights is too small (milliamps) to guarantee that a destructive voltage will not build-up during intermittent arcing ground faults. That is why neutral grounding resistors are rated 1-5A on 480V systems – to ensure that the resistor let-thru current exceeds the capacitive system charging current. The system charging current is roughly 1A per 2000 kVA of distribution system capacity. If the resistor let-through current is less than the charging current, there is a chance that the damaging capacitive voltage buildup can occur. The best solution is to convert the ungrounded system to high resistance grounded, which fortunately is easy to do.

    Reply to David Murray

  • Mike I find the same type of mistakes and misunderstanding of Grounding/Bonding in other articles and books as well. This is different though, as one would think that someone from IEEE is editing or at least proof reading this first. I hope the paper does not get printed is about all I can ask for.


    Pierre Belarge
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  • I contacted IEEE, of which I'm a Senior member, and suggested they review the wording of the proposed standard. The response I got was as follows:

    "Jim, there's really no reason we can't fix this before the document goes to ballot. Since the WG opted to submit the document "as is" based on text from the previous recirculation a few years back, it will require quorum approval from the working group to make any edits. I have requested that [name deleted] (new 3.6.6 chair) obtain that input as expeditiously as possible so we can review some potential text edits and get them incorporated prior to balloting."

    james w wilson PE
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  • Reply from: Mike Holt   
    James, that's great news. I'm so excited to see that 'we' are making a difference for those that follow us.
    Reply to Mike Holt

  • Committees are usually wrong, but here they seem to be trying to state a more general truth than Mike would like to read into it. Are both actually talking about the same thing? What purpose is accomplished by combining IEEE ‘standards’ and the NEC? They aren’t the same subject. The debate on the nature of ‘grounding’ goes far beyond the scope of the NEC. Mike is correct for specific 'brands' of SPD's on the market but not for all surge protection schemes in use. Perhaps a brief explanation of the equipment being referenced would clear up the discrepancy. Contemporary commercial surge protection equipment functions within a limited range and useful only if engineered for a specific application. Surge equipment that is inadequate in the case of a maximum event is as useless as surge equipment that is never needed. MOV's work and are cheap but they have limited life expectancy requiring costly monitoring circuitry and/or regular maintenance. The most extensive (explosive) surge damage I have seen entered the system via the bonding conductor. The single most costly surge damage event entered through a telephone line. If that line had MOV’s paralleled to ground there would have been no damage other than to the MOV’s.

    J D Miskell
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  • Very well said by JD Miskell. NEC bonding requirements are intended to provide safe operation and very limited protection from lightning events. Even the referenced NFPA 780 recommendations cover just bare minimums of generally accepted protection levels for life or property from lightning. I think its fair to expect that NEC-250 bonding requirements avoid any implication of lightning safety, just as NFPA 780 avoids electrical safety compliance issues. The two compliment each other, neither tries to be the end-all of bonding or grounding.

    Jack Painter
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