This article was posted 03/14/2013 and is most likely outdated.

Mike Holt -Generators and Standby Power Systems - based on 2011 NEC
Generators and Standby Power Systems - Based on the 2011 NEC®
Based on - NEC - 2011 Edition

NEC® Requirements for Generators and Standby Power Systems
Rule 220.87, Articles 445, 700, 701, and 702 – Based on the 2011 NEC®

image1 At Mike Holt Enterprises we strive to provide as much as we can to the industry at no charge. As a continued service, we’re making available to you this free download on Generators and Standby Power Systems. The material in this booklet was extracted from Mike's Understanding the 2011 National Electrical Code® Volume 1 and Volume 2 textbooks and includes the following Articles:

  • Article 445: Generators
  • Article 700: Emergency Systems
  • Article 701: Legally Required Standby Systems
  • Article 702: Optional Standby Systems
Click here or on the image to download the complete PDF. Please note that the file is 27 pages, and 3.04MB and may take a few minutes to download depending on your internet connection speed. If you encounter a problem opening this file, be sure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat installed on your system (click here).

For additional free Mike Holt Publications and Industry Manuals be sure to check out everything available to you under our Free Stuff Link.


Understanding the National Electrical Code, Volume 1 & 2

Description: 2011 Understanding the NEC Volume 2 Textbook with DVDs - 11UN2DVD

This package combines Mike's Best-Selling Illustrated Guides into one great package. Find out why these books have become the standard for NEC training. Mike's ability to clarify the meaning of the Code with his clear, concise writing style, along with his highly praised full-color detailed color illustrations is the reason that these books continue to grow in popularity around the industry.

Understanding the NEC Volume 1 Textbook
Articles 90-480 

Understanding the NEC Volume 2 Textbook
Articles 500-820

Product Code: 11UND12
Price: $98.00

Description: Order Now

Table of Contents

Sample Pages

Sample Graphic



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