This article was posted 12/19/2012 and is most likely outdated.

Mike Holt - Marinas & Boatyards Article 555
Marinas and Boatyards - Article 555, based on the 2011 NEC
Based on - NEC - 2011 Edition

Article 555 - Marinas and Boatyards
Based on the 2011 NEC

Image1At Mike Holt Enterprises we want to provide as much as we can to the industry at no charge. So here’s a free download on Marinas and Boatyards. The material in this booklet was extracted from Mike's Understanding the 2011 National Electrical Code®, Volume 2 textbook.

Click here or on the image to download the complete PDF. Please note that the file is 10 pages, and 1.07MB and may take a few minutes to download depending on your internet connection speed. If you encounter a problem opening this file, be sure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat installed on your system (click here).

For additional free Mike Holt Publications and Industry Manuals be sure to check out everything available to you under our Free Stuff Link.

Understanding the National Electrical Code, Volume 2 - Articles 500-820

Description: 2011 Understanding the NEC Volume 2 Textbook with DVDs - 11UN2DVD

Don't let the scope of the National Electrical Code® intimidate you. In this package, Mike covers the requirements for wiring in special occupancies, special equipment, under special conditions, as well as communications systems that he considers to be of critical importance in Articles 90 and 500-820. The book is well-organized, easy to follow, and the full-color illustrations bring the material to life. The DVDs bring together a group of experts from the field to discuss the changes and how they apply in the real-world.

Understanding the NEC Volume 2 Textbook
Special Occupancies Art. 500 - 590 DVD
Special Equipment Art. 600 - 702 DVD
Limited Energy & Communication Systems Art. 725 - 820 DVD  
Product Code: 11UN2DVD
Price: $250.00

Description: Order Now

Table of Contents

Sample Pages

Sample Graphic



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  • .. Sorry. Thet should have been IEC 60309

    Jim Green  December 22 2012, 9:36 pm EST
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  • re: 555-10 (b) Pin and sleeve receptacles. Seems like they are not too specific on which type of pin and sleeve type of receptacle. Perhaps thet should have said ..."pin and sleeve type conforming to IEC 60639"

    Jim Green  December 22 2012, 9:29 pm EST
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