This article was posted 10/10/2012 and is most likely outdated.

Mike Holt - StreetZaps - Reduce Your Risk of Outdoor Shocks or Electrocution
StreetZaps - Reduce Your Risk of Outdoor Shocks or Electrocution

StreetZaps - Reduce Your Risk of Outdoor Shocks or Electrocution


We have long been supporters and followers of StreetZaps. If you've never heard of this website please take some time to check it out It is a timely and useful tool intended to reduce the year round risk of injury and fatality from contact voltage and the first to introduce this type of simple outdoor safety guidance to the masses. This precedent-setting outreach was done voluntarily by a few dedicated city slickers who still felt it possible to self-protect from an invisible danger. Blair Sorrel is a passionate advocate who just wanted to impart her newfound street smarts and share her tactics to shield pedestrians, residents, their children, and pets where possible. Now even The National Electric Code, EPRI, Con Edison, Handyman Wire among others refer to this layman's approach of what they may have known but didn't know to teach.

The website is loaded with helpful information and tips for how to avoid outdoor shock or electrocution. Testimonies are posted frequently by people that have experienced shock while simply walking down the street and encountering contact voltage from lampposts. Additionally, the initiative follows and reports all the recent incidents related to this issue.

Take some time to check out this site and spread awareness. An Alert Flyer outlining simple defenses against shockings is available for download here. Please feel free to circulate it.

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  • Wow, some of the testimies on that web site are quite frightening. Even more frightening is the lack of concern by some of the power companies and public entities involved. Thanks for the heads up on this danger.

    RonEl  October 12 2012, 8:45 am EDT
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