This article was posted 12/12/2011 and is most likely outdated.

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Subject - The Last Text

December 12, 2011
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The Last Text

ImageDo you remember the last text you sent or the last text you received? Chances are the answer is no. If you have your cell phone nearby take a look at the last message you received. How important is it? Would it be worth your life to read it or respond to it? Is it worth someone else’s?

Click here or on the image to watch AT&T's video titled "The Last Text," featuring stories of real individuals whose lives have been adversely affected by texting behind the wheel.

Mike Holt Comment: If you are still texting while driving I hope that this video will change your mind about that this holiday season. Now is the time to make the commitment to never send another text message while driving again.



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  • Mike,

    Never yield to anyone who says that "YOU SHOULD STICK TO ELECTRICITY!"

    You send a few things that you believe in, and we should.

    Thanks for a timely reminder. It made the National News today 12-14-2011. As an inspector I often get calls while on the road. Using speaker phone helps. I will consider limiting even more.

    and NEVER a text or initiate call.

    Thanks Lynn

    Lynn Adams  December 15 2011, 12:51 am EST
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  • Mike, Thanks for caring and sharing .... as far as I'm concerned, they should ban the use of cell phones in cars period. I can't count the times I've been behind someone when all the sudden thier speed slows drastically, they begin to vere a bit, or just do something that seems really stupid - come to find out when, down the road they slow to turn I can see that they've got that phone up to their ear.

    RonEl  December 14 2011, 8:43 am EST
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  • If people who text while driving are tryng to win the Darwin prize why don't they find something just as stupid-I'm sure there must be but I can't think of one-that doesn't involve other people.

    Bob  December 13 2011, 8:33 pm EST
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  • Hello Mike,

    ThanX for this important video. As an old f*rt I don't text (at all) but all our kidz and their generation do. I've forwarded this to my FB page and hope at least one of them watches this sobering video. Merry Christmas, Art

    ArtM  December 13 2011, 10:06 am EST
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  • Very sad reality of the facts. I personally don't text and I don't know any one that text while driving. Seems like it is a young people are the ones that abuse this the most. I will make sure when my son starts driving, we will have strict rules on texting. I will be sure to let him see the vidio and pass it on. This is better then anything I could say to him. Perry

    perry vogler  December 13 2011, 7:51 am EST
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  • Thank you for sharing yet another meaningful and important message reiterating the need to put down the phone and drive.

    With so many distractions already on our roads and highways, texting must be removed from anyone behind the wheel.

    Is there a way to devise a "kill-switch" on all cell phones in a moving vehicle???

    Ms. Bora  December 13 2011, 1:45 am EST
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  • A more comprehensive set of poignant videos that pull no punches and really get your attention are the Australian Drive Safe ad campaigns. They address speeding, drinking, distraction, etc. I think every driver and esp every teenage driver should see a lot of these to illustrate just how big of a responsibility driving a vehicle is and how quickly it can all go horribly wrong.

    RustyTheGeek  December 13 2011, 12:17 am EST
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  • Thank you Mike, I appreciate this alert, because I used to text while driving. I can see the consequeces.

    Daniel Serrano  December 12 2011, 11:26 pm EST
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  • Thanks! This is a message that needs to be told more often than not. Driving and texting is a dangerous combination.

    Tim  December 12 2011, 10:35 pm EST
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