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Topic - NEC
Subject - Conductors for General Use - Based on the 2011 NEC

June 29, 2011
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Conductors for General Use - Based on the 2011 NEC


By Mike Holt for EC&M

Article 310 provides the general requirements for conductors (except those that are an integral part of equipment or are part of flexible cords, or fixture wires). The most prominent feature of Article 310 is its collection of ampacity tables. Why are there so many? Why does Table 310.15(B)(17) list the ampacity of 6 THHN as 105A, yet Table 310.15(B)(16) lists the same conductor as having an ampacity of only 75A?

The answer to such questions is in the definition of ampacity [Article 100], specifically “conditions of use.” These tables set a maximum current value at which the conductor insulation shouldn’t prematurely fail during normal use, under the conditions described in the tables.

How well conductor insulation can dissipate the heat from current flow depends on several factors; read the table titles to see what these are.

Designations such as THHN, THHW, and RHH are insulation types. Each type of insulation can withstand only so much heat before failing. Thus, ampacity varies by insulation type.


Article 310 underwent extensive changes with the 2011 revisions. What may be most noticeable are the many changes to section numbering. Other changes include making sizing requirements clearer and improving enforceability.


The 2011 revision adds the “uses permitted” section in 310.10. Section 310.10(H) now includes information previously contained in 310.4 regarding the installation of conductors in parallel. While 310.4 previously stated that paralleling of conductors was allowed for sizes 1/0 AWG and larger, the new wording in 310.10(H) is much more restrictive. The new language now states specifically that conductors  for each phase, polarity, neutral, or grounded circuit are permitted to be connected in parallel only in sizes 1/0 and larger.

Another change to this section deals with equipment bonding jumpers. Many times, such as with a transformer secondary, an equipment bonding jumper (not an equipment grounding conductor) is installed alongside ungrounded and grounded conductors in parallel.

Although it seems obvious that these bonding jumpers don’t need to meet the minimum size requirements of 310.10(H) (1/0 AWG or larger), the NEC really didn’t address the issue. Now 310.10(H)(6) refers to 250.102 for conductor sizing, making this clearer.


Though still widely used by electricians and electrical engineers, the term “derating” has been mostly phased out over the last several NEC cycles. With the 2011 revision, this term is almost gone. The NEC now uses the term “ampacity adjustment” when referring to conductors that are bundled or installed so that there are more than 3 current carrying conductors in the same raceway or cable. The Code uses the term “correction” when conductors are subjected to temperatures other than 86°F.

Conductors with insulation temperature ratings higher than the termination temperature rating can be used for conductor ampacity adjustment, correction, or both [110.14(C)]. This means you must base conductor ampacity on the conductor’s insulation temperature rating listed in Table 310.15(B)(16), as adjusted for ambient temperature correction factors, conductor bundling adjustment factors, or both [310.15(B)].

The temperature correction and adjustment factors apply to the ampacity for the temperature rating of the conductor, provided the corrected and adjusted ampacity doesn’t exceed the ampacity for the temperature rating of the termination per the provisions of 110.14(C).

Put another way, this change clarifies that, after applying these adjustments and corrections, the resulting ampacity still can’t exceed the temperature limitations of the equipment termination.

The temperature correction factors formerly found at the bottom of (then) Table 310.16 in the 2008 NEC were some of the least user-friendly in the NEC. The fact that they were buried beneath the ampacity table, and the table itself was broken up into copper, aluminum, Fahrenheit, and Celsius certainly didn’t help.

The new table replacing it provides a remarkably easier format, resulting in less confusion. It’s more conducive to proper application.

An interesting addition to this table borrows from the Canadian Electrical Code. That’s the allowance of smaller conductors when installed in an ambient temperature of less than 70°F. With this allowance, you can use up to 115 percent of the conductor’s ampacity in certain conditions. That can result in a smaller conductor. While previous editions of the NEC recognized colder environments, it allowed only for an increase to 104 percent of the conductor’s ampacity. That value never really made the math worthwhile.

Previous Code editions used the term “nipple” to describe a raceway that’s 24 in. long (or less). This resulted in NEC users debating about the physical characteristics of the raceways, such as whether or not the raceway could contain bends. This change eliminates those debates by replacing the term “nipple(s)” with “raceway(s).”

Consequently, you no longer need to guess at the intent of this section. You just need to measure the length and determine the appropriate rules.

Previous revisions used the term “bundled” to describe when ampacity adjustment is required. Because the NEC doesn’t define this term, many people struggled in their attempts to determine when to apply the adjustment provisions of this section. That term’s been replaced with “installed without maintaining spacing,” which, oddly enough, is also undefined. But it may be an easier phrase to understand and apply.

New to the 2008 NEC was a rule requiring that all conductors installed in conduits on rooftops have their ampacities adjusted dramatically. The term “conduit,” while not defined in Article 100, doesn’t include raceways such as EMT, ENT, and FMT. With the 2011 change, which now uses the term “circular raceways”, conductors installed in these raceways will need to have their ampacities adjusted also.

Confused on conduit? Take a few minutes to look at the names of the Chapter 3 Articles, starting with Article 342.

The ampacity of some conductors in Table 310.15(B)(16) (formerly 310.16) didn’t match those found in the Canadian Electrical Code and were therefore changed. While no technical evidence was submitted showing insulation failure of the conductors, this proposal passed. The result was a change to the ampacities of:

  • Copper conductors: 14, 12, 3, and 1 AWG, and 600 kcmil, 1,500 kcmil and 2,000 kcmil.
  • Aluminum conductors: 12, 8, and 6 AWG, and 300 kcmil, 700 kcmil, and 800 kcmil.

Temperature correction factors

When installing conductors in an ambient temperature other than 78°F to 86°F, you must correct the ampacities listed in Table 310.15(B)(16) by using the multipliers listed in Table 310.15(B)(2)(a).

When correcting conductor ampacity for elevated ambient temperature, use the correction factor [310.15(B)(2)(a)] for THHN/THWN conductors, based on the:

  • 90°C rating of the conductor in a dry location.
  • 75°C rating of the conductor in a wet location.
  • Conductor ampacity listed in Table 310.15(B)(16) [110.14(C)].

When adjusting conductor ampacity, do so based on the temperature insulation rating of the conductor as listed in Table 310.15(B)(16), not the temperature rating of the terminal [110.14(C)].

Ampacity adjustment factors don’t apply to conductors within Type AC or Type MC cable under the following conditions:

  • The cables don’t have an outer jacket,
  • Each cable has no more than three current-carrying conductors,
  • The conductors are 12 AWG copper, and
  • No more than 20 current-carrying conductors (ten 2-wire cables or six 3-wire cables) are installed without maintaining spacing for a continuous length over 24 in.

Ampacity adjustment of 60 percent applies to conductors within Type AC or Type MC cable without an overall outer jacket, if:

  • The cable contains more than 20 conductors.
  • The conductors are stacked or bundled longer than 24 in. without spacing being maintained.

Ampacity adjustment of conductors installed in circular raceways exposed to direct sunlight on or above rooftops requires adding the ambient temperature adjustment in Table 310.15(B)(3)(c) to the outdoor ambient temperature. The value you get is the applicable ambient temperature to be used for ampacity correction factors by applying Table 310.15(B)(2)(a) or Table 310.15(B)(2)(b). Note that the temperature adders in Table 310.15(B)(3)(c) are based on the results of averaging the ambient temperatures [310.15(B)(3)(c) Note].

Why this rule? The air inside circular raceways in direct sunlight is significantly hotter than the surrounding air. To comply with 310.10, you must account for that additional heat.

For example, a conduit with three 6 THWN-2 conductors with direct sunlight exposure that’s ¾ in. above the roof will require you to add 40°F to the correction factors on Table 310.15(B)(2)(a). Assuming an ambient temperature of 90°F, the temperature to use for conductor ampacity correction is 130°F (90°F + 40°F). The 6 THWN-2 conductor ampacity after correction will be 57A (75A x 0.76).

Properly sizing conductors is one of the most difficult aspects of using the NEC. It takes a thorough knowledge of Articles 240 and 310, plus knowledge of individual sections and subsections.

For example, Section 110.14(C) contains the guidelines on how to size conductors based on the temperature ratings of the terminals of various electrical equipment. The fact this is so critical is why it’s now referred to in the new Informational Note 2 of 310.15(A)(3).

As you work through Article 310, don’t forget that Chapters 1 – 4 work together and apply generally to all installations [90.3].





Taken from Mike Holt’s 2011 Understanding the NEC Volume 1 Textbook. To order your copy, please click here, or call 888-632-2633

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  • How to go about applying temperature correction factor for cable with temperature rating less than that of termination but at higher ambient temperature? Any solid example? Thanks.

    T.M.Haja Sahib  July 16 2011, 1:39 am EDT
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  • One very important change that nobody seems to have picked up upon is that in incorporating the CSA ampacity rules for 14 & 12 gauge wire will restrict the use of those conductors to 15 amps / 20 amps respectively. What I mean is that up to 2008 code you could use those conductors for "other than branch circuits" (as modified by other sections of the code in articles 400 & up) at 20 amps / 25 amps respectively.

    Example an A/C condenser with a name plate rating : mim. circuit ampacity 24 amps. Under the 2008 code 12 gauge was ok ( unadjusted). Under 2011 you must use 10 gauge

    With the price of copper up this will have an impact on costs.

    Marc Polan  June 30 2011, 7:11 pm EDT
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  • All these finite rules for correction are the result a loss of safety margins. I don''t understand why people have to push the margin of safety to the Nth degree. How can you put a price on safety? Lets just do away with corrections completely. Whenever you cut margins to the bone in any circumstance, you are asking for trouble. It's what makes the difference between a reliable product and one that will fail quickly.

    Theodore J Good  June 30 2011, 10:33 am EDT
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  • How are the two conditions for ampacity adjustment of Type AC and MC cable conductors different? Both cases do not maintain spacing for more than 24" length. How do you maintain spacing within a raceway?

    Bert Austin  June 30 2011, 9:04 am EDT
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