This article was posted 01/19/2010 and is most likely outdated.

Article 760 Fire Alarm Systems


Topic - NEC
Subject - Article 760 Fire Alarm Systems

January 19, 2010
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Article 760 – Fire Alarm Systems

We at Mike Holt Enterprises try to provide as much as we can to the industry at no charge. For this reason we’ve created a free Fire Alarm Systems booklet.

The material in this booklet was extracted from Mike's Understanding the 2008 NEC, Volume 2 textbook.

Click here or on the image to download the pdf file. Please note that the file is 1.85MB and may take a few minutes to download depending on your internet connection speed. If you encounter a problem opening this file, be sure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat installed on your system (click here).

To purchase your copy of Mike Holt’s Illustrated Guide to Understanding the National Electrical Code Volume 2, 2008 Edition, please click here or call our office at 888.NEC.CODE(632.2633) for more information.





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  • As far as the NEC is concerned are all spaces above a suspended celling considered as used for environment air return or is it a question of the type of central AC used? If it is dependent on type of AC unit used, how can one easily tell? This is a question that has bugged me for a long time and I have never received a definitive answer.

    Rafael Rodriguez
    Reply to this comment
  • Reply from: Mike Holt   
    If it's used for 'enviromenal air' then 300.22(C) applies and Plenum ratec cable is required.
    Reply to Mike Holt

    Reply from: Rafael Rodriguez   
    I understand this. My problem is how do I tell if the space is being used for "environmental air" or is this beyond the scope of this forum.
    Reply to Rafael Rodriguez

    Reply from: Mike Holt   
    It's easy, if the return air is moving above the ceiling, and there are 'registers' to allow the air to enter the ceiling to be transported to the air handler, then it's used for enviromental air. If the return air is not flowing above the ceiling and returning via a duct, then the air is not flowing through the ceiling, then it's not used for enviromental air.
    Reply to Mike Holt

  • "Author’s Comment: Cables identified as suitable for plenum use can be installed in environmental air spaces, but they are not permitted to be installed in ducts or plenums! See 760.3(B) in this textbook for details."

    THis statement is repeated in the illustration adjacent. Uh, it doesn't make any sense. If a cable is listed for installation in a plenum, then it should be allowed in a plenum! Why does the author make this statement? Since it was said twice, I assume there is some truth to it and it isn't a typo. What is the explanation?

    Lawrence Lile
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  • Reply from: Mike Holt   
    Plenum listed cable is not permitted to be installed in Plenum areas as defined by the NEC (basically inside any duct work), but it's permitted above the suspended ceiling used for enviromental air (what some call plenum space). See 760.3(B) in the document and the graphics related to 706.3(B).
    Reply to Mike Holt

  • I have a problem downloading this also. My error message says IE cannot open the internet site. Is the file on your main website somewhere?

    Larry LeVoir
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  • Reply from: Paula   
    This usually occurs when thousands of people try to download the same file at the same time.The following is a direct link to the article on the website:

    Also, if you go to our website and click on Newsletters in the blue menu bar down the left side of the page, you can click on All Newsletters or select a subject you are interested in. All our newsletters are archived there.
    Reply to Paula

  • Thanks for info.I have been reading the 101 Essential NEC Rules and recommend to everyone.Thanks Mark

    Mark Thornton
    Reply to this comment

  • Thank you Mike for the information on Fire Alarm Systems. You have been an extremely important part of my Everyday workings with Electricity and the field and I just wanted to say that I appreciate it!!

    Michael Hall
    Reply to this comment

  • Greeting, I have faced one problem with voltage drop calculation in feeder. In NEC-2008 it is not clear the voltage drop for feeder. NEC states that " voltage drop for branch is should not exceed 3% and the total voltage drop for branch plus feeder is 5%". In large distribution projects, I am really confused because the voltage drop for branch can never exceed of 2% for dwelling unit and now for feeder can I take 3% which makes the total 5%. It has really great impact on cable sizing for large distribution as well as economics. So, Can any body help me in this issue.

    Hameedullah Ekhlas
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  • Reply from: Mike Holt   
    Questions not related to the Newsletter should be posted on the Questions Forum at I suggest the Engineering Section.
    Reply to Mike Holt

  • Your downloads always come in a .php format, which program do I use to open these files. It says it is in Adobe PDF but when I click on your download link the file name is "download.php" ??????????

    Michael Wiener
    Reply to this comment
  • Reply from: Paula   
    .php is the script that serves the file. Unless you're using some very non-standard software or download managers, you should not have trouble with that link. Try to open the site in internet explorer, and "left click" on the link. If that fails it's due to a plug-in or third party software. All our newsletters are archived on our website. If you go to our website and click on Newsletters in the blue menu bar down the left side of the page, you can click on All Newsletters or select a subject you are interested in. Be sure to let us know if you continue to have problems.
    Reply to Paula

  • Once again thank you so much for this information Mike you are an important resource in my career as an inspector..

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