This article was posted 01/23/2009 and is most likely outdated.

EMF and Noise Pollution


Subject - EMF and Noise Pollution

January 23, 2009
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EMF and Noise Pollution


ImageMy family and I live in Western Massachusetts. I have lived in this area since 1983. I have hiked the Appalachian Trail at points all over this area. We live where there is no industry and no major roads. We drive 8 miles in any direction to amenities. The ambient background at night is normally is no greater than 22 dB (A-weighted.) We have lived for over two years with an insidious and invasive electrical noise which is in violation of MA Noise Regulations, which raise the nighttime sound level by an unacceptable level and produces constant pure tone noise. I know what our environment should sound like, how it used to sound to me just a few years ago, and it shouldn't sound like this! Our lifestyles and wellbeing have been greatly compromised for almost 2 years. We have been unable to enjoy a normal night of sleep for over a year and a half. Noise pollution due to electrical sources has been linked to serious health problems. We have not been able get help from our local, state or government officials, who will not enforce the law. Instead of help, we have received abuse and reverse condemnation.


Click here to view/hear the video displaying this DSL noise pollution.


Why is this happening? DSL, and all forms of telecommunication, including wireless, must be grounded to the electric utility company's neutral wire to operate. In many instances and locations, the outdated infrastructure of the power grid is overburdened and is often no longer compatible with modern requirements of technology. As the grid stretches the distance to rural communities, its quality is compromised to save costs. Technology is marching forward at a pace which the grid cannot handle. As a result, our communities, all of them, are being flooded with what is well known as harmonics, pure tones, audible frequencies, and stray voltage, which have all been proven by science to contribute to radiation and be carcinogenic. The utility companies have no true regulatory oversight and have been allowed to say anything and do anything to avoid accountability and spare themselves the costs of appropriate and proven mitigation options.


How do we know? We did a power quality test in our home by a power quality engineer.  We have a week of monitoring that indicated that the Utility Company, National Grid is delivering dirty power. We have graphs and waveforms to prove the harmonics are double the IEEE 519-1992 limits allow.  The Utility company has spent a year trying to dismiss that there is any problem.  They never completed a single test that would be considered expert or as required by procedures prescribed by the EPA and adopted by our State's Department of Environmental Protection, nor could they disprove results we got with sound level meters and octave band filters.  Our State sent employees that work in the Waste Management Division.  None of them were qualified to make an expert determination, but dismissed the problem and were allowed to do so as the lines of State and Corporate influence are seriously blurred.  It took us another year to find an engineer that would help us, even though several physicists and scientists, and electrical researchers validated our experience and our results.  Many acoustic and electrical engineers are worried about their reputation with the Corporate Giants.  I am sure that if they have families they are doing a grave disservice by not aligning themselves with the truth or expanding their knowledge and acting according to what is in the better interest of the Public's health and wellbeing.


Now, today, we have 8 reams of emails, hundreds of hours of audio recordings, scientific research, acoustical and electrical evidence of electrical leakage and radiation in our community and communities in every State we have visited and conducted testing, and a growing network of concerned citizens. As time goes on we have gathered more and more evidence of this problem, and spoken with people all across the country who are experiencing the same reactions from their utility company and officials. Some are dealing with illness related to EMF and Radio Frequencies.


Whether or not you are bothered by the electrical noise, these frequencies are affecting you and your environment. Gone are the days and nights of true peace and quiet. Today's children will grow up to accept that the buzzing and humming electrical noises as a result of technology are "normal" and acceptable. They will be the first generation to suffer a lifetime of ill effects, since there are no radio frequency limits to protect them.


State and Federal Regulations are either outdated or mis-interpreted to benefit the utility companies. This is further complicated by the manner in which electricians, acoustic experts, and scientists are now arguing over how to conduct appropriate studies, and the fact that many noise technicians and electricians do not understand what a pure tone is or how to evaluate for one properly. Regulatory agencies including the FCC are trying to label the noise as due to Tinnitus. We do not have tinnitus. However, tinnitus may be caused by hearing loss associated with electrical noise.


We all deserve proper regulations, limits and oversight. Our elected officials should be fighting for our safety, our children's safety and the preservation of our wildlife. We are forming a volunteer alliance across the country to demand protection from health hazards from local and State officials. We are not being foooled into submission and demand that impact studies be done before attaching wireless to the electric grid. We also want the proper testing conducted in our communities to determine the potential risks and offer solutions to mitigate these risks, at the expense of the utility companies.

Robert O. Becker, M.D. twice nominated for the Nobel Prize for his research.
Quoted, "I have no doubt in my mind that at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the earth's environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields.

I consider that to be far greater on a global scale, than warming, and the increase in the chemical elements in the environment."


It is true that electrical science and the physics of noise and magnetic fields are complicated and not particularly easy to comprehend. However, science has begun to uncover the truth for our benefit. There are now many credible and replicable studies, from all areas of the world, describing the relationship between electricity, radiation, and illness:

 (i.e. Akerstedt, T., et al. 1999. A 50 Hz electromagnetic field impairs sleep. J. Sleep Res 8:77-81; Beale, Ivan L., et al. 2001. Association of health problems with 50 Hz magnetic fields in human adults living near power transmission lines. J. Aust. Col. Of Nutr. & Env. Med. 20(2):9-30; Havas, Magda, and Dave Stetzer. 2004. G/S filters improve power quality in homes and schools, reduce blood sugar levels among diabetics. Int. Conf. Childhood Leukaemia, London, Uk, September; Havas, Magda, and David Stetzer., 2004. Dirty electricity and electrical sensitivity: five case studies. WHO Workshop on Electrical Hypersensitivity. October, Czech Republic, Prague; Burch, James B., et al. 2000. Melatonin metabolite levels in workers exposed to 60 Hz magnetic fields: work in substations and with 3-phase conductors. J Occup Envir Med 42:136-142; Ahlbom, N. D, et al. 2000. A pooled analysis of magnetic fields and childhood cancer. British Journal of Cancer 83(5);692-69;  Havas, Magda, and David Stetzer., 2004. Dirty electricity and electrical sensitivity: five case studies. WHO Workshop on Electrical  Hypersensitivity. October, Czech Republic, Prague; Kaune, W. T., et al. 2002. Study of high- and low current-configuration homes from the 1988  Denver childhood cancer study. Bioelectromanetics23:177-188; Lyskov, E., et al. 1993. Effects of 45 Hz magnetic fields on functional state of the human brain. Bioelectromagnetics 14:87-95; Sakurai, T., et al. 2004. An extremely low frequency magnetic field attenuates insulin secretion from the insulinoma cell line, RIN-m. Bioelectromagnetics 25:160-166.)

There are significant scientific peer-reviewed studies indicating that noise pollution contributes to cardiovascular illness (i.e. Huber, Rito, et al. 2003. Radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure in humans: estimation of SAR distribution in the brain, effects on sleep, and heart rate. Bioelectromagnetics 24:262-276; Neutra, R., et al. 2001. An evaluation of the possible risks from electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) from power lines, internal wiring, electrical occupations and appliances, California Department of Health Services EMF Program, 1515 Clay Street, Oakland, CA 94612; Hillman,Donald, Ph.D Exposure to Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF) Linked to Neuro-Endocrine Stress Syndrome: Increased Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, & Cancer , Shocking News #8, November 2005, Michigan State University; Szmigielski, S., A. Bortkiewicz, E.Gadzicka, M. Zmyslony, R. Kubacki. 1998. Alteration of diurnal rhythyms of blood pressure and heart rate to workers exposed to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. Blood Press Monit 3(6):323-330; Tikhonova, G. I. 2003. Heart Disease of personnel of the civil aircraft radio-tracking system in Russia. Radiatsionnaia biologiia, radiocologiia/Rossiiskaia akademia nauk. Sept-Oct., 433(5):559-64. Research Instituteof Occupational Health, Moscow, 105275 Russia; Sait, M. L., et al. 1999. A study of heart rate and heart rate variability in human subjects exposed to occupational levels of 50 Hz circular polarized magnetic fields. Med Eng Phys 21(5):361-369. Sakurai, Tomonori, Akira Sataka, Shoichiro Sumi, Kazutomo Inoue.)

Dirty power and electrical leakage has been shown to cause illness in animals as well as people (i.e. Burchard, Javier, et al. 2003. Effect of 10 kV/m and 30 μT, 60 Hz, electric and magnetic fields on milk production and feed intake in nonpregnant dairy cattle. Bioelectromagnetics 24:557-562; Calogero, S., et al, 2004. Effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields exposition on circadian rythms and distribution of
some leucocyte differentiation antigens in cows. Clinica di Oncoematologia Pediatrica, University di Padova, Italy. International Conference of Veterinary Clinicians, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, July 2004; Gorewit, et al. 1984. Physiological Effects of Electrical Current on Dairy Cows. Proceedings of the Nat. Stray Voltage Symposium. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI; Hillman, D., D. Stetzer, M. Graham, C. Goeke, K. Mathson, H. VanHorn, C.
Wilcox. 2003. Relationship of electric power quality to milk production and behavior of dairy cattle. Paper No. 033116, Amer. Soc. Agr. Engineers, St. Joseph, MI (Video available);  Hillman, D., Charles Goeke, and Richard Moser. 2004. Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) affect on milk production and behavior of cows: results using shielded-neutral isolation transformer. 12th Int. Conf. On Production Diseases in Farm Animals, Mich. State Univ., Vet Col., July 2004, Video available.)


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  • I can't bring myself to assign much credibility to this video. It sounds like a recording of a white noise generator that has gone through a high pass filter. The fact that the narrator is overdubbed on the first part of the video proves, at least, a minimal alteration of the original recording. The narrator stating that the hissing that you hear and the chaos of noise being caused by "radio frequencies" makes the entire video questionable. Radio frequncies are far to high for humans to hear.

    Reply to this comment

  • Looks hokey to me. The number of wires on that pole looks more like intercity instead of in the country 8 miles from any amenities. The sound is close to a white noise generator that my wife uses sometimes when she sleeps.

    Reply to this comment

  • Although there could very well be a hidden agenda, it is also possible that these are real people suffering from something they do not understand and they go to the internet for answers. Of course they will find all sorts of loony things, but they don't have the knowledge to filter out the junk.

    A few factoids:

    DSL obviously has nothing to do with this. It runs on the telephone lines and is balanced to ground. If it becomes unbalanced, it would stop working or the performance would be degraded causing a repair call. Even so, the energy level is not high enough to cause any noise.

    There is a new internet service called Broadband Over Power Lines. This is experimental and is capable of causing interference to Amateur, commerical, and international broadcast frequencies. I don't know the details of the power levels, but to get radio frequencies down a power line does take some power since the power lines are very inefficient at radio frequencies. Poor connections might cause enough rectification to produce some noise as in the case below of AM broadcast stations, but I wouldn't think it would have enough power to become audible throughout the house. This experimental technology seems to be failing to get any support and will probably die out due to better options being available.

    There have been instances of noise coming from metal objects including household plumbing caused by close proximity to a high power AM broadcast transmitter. Any two metals with poor bonding can act as a detector of AM signals causing them to demodulate and vibrate the metal. I doubt this is the issue, because this normally causes a low fidelity sound that contains the audio the station is broadcasting. I have encountered cases of "singing toilets" and "singing electric stove tops" due to this problem. There are ways to fix it. If there is some other high power transmitter nearby that is sending data, this might be a cause as the noise would be difficult to define.

    Of all the posts here, I think the one that suggests it is a noise produced by some failing bearing in machinery may be on to something. If the machinery is attached in any way to the house's plumbing, sound can travel a great distance that way.

    My advice would be to find a local Ham or Ham radio group and ask for their help. Usually ham clubs have a few technically knowledgeable people who might be willing to help. If they don't know any, contact the A.R.R.L. and they can point them toward a local club (

    Chris Hays
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  • I'm not a biolologist or medical professional so I am not qualified to comment on the biological effects of anything. Nevertheless, we know smoking is associated with health damage because simple statistics indicate that. Simple statistics should tell us something about the danger from RF and EM fields. Do the professionals who work around these fields and RF radiation have a higher rate of morbidity or mortality than people who do not? The statement that the DSL signal travels on the utility's neutral conductor is not true. I can imagine that a DSL signal could be improperly earth grounded but that would be rare. Otherwise, 'dirty power"-power with harmomics, is not the fault of the utility but is caused by the non linear loads of the users. But, one point is accurate: It is possible to multiplex any number of frequencies-including DC-on any conductor. Any conductor can carry multiple frequencies of power or signals or both as long as any frequency remains below that of deep infra-red light uless the conductor has optical properties.

    Reply to this comment

  • Mike, this is sort of close to a discussion I have been having lately about the so called power saving devices such as the one made by continental power for residential application. They claim it corrects power factor, provides surge protection, and filters EMF and RF. My position is that this type of device is pure snake oil. I don't think you can have caps and MOVs in the same box, most utility companies charge by KWH so factor correction won't save you any money and I don't think EMF and RF filtering in a home would have much if any benifit. What do you and the other folks out there think of these devices?

    Jerry Robertson
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  • As someone who is operative in electromagnetic interference investigation (primarily industrial and research environments), and with a parallel background in environmental health, I too was approached and asked to provide assessment services by the person who submitted this video. She made a strong initial impression, and her story at first sounded credible, but the longer she talked (which was a long time), the more clearly the truth emerged. This is indeed a very confused individual, to put it mildly. I would not dispute that she is experiencing something unpleasant and troubling, but it is unequivocally not what she so strongly claims it to be. There may be an undiscovered acoustic noise source in the vicinity, or there may be an undiagnosed medical or psychiatric condition. However, the lumping together of "dirty electricity", DSL, power frequency magnetic fields, and radio frequency exposure, and the attempt to tie all these to acoustic noise, is beyond the reach of any science-based explanation.

    Most (but not all) of the literature references cited by the author are credible, and describe observed interactions of electromagnetic phenomena with human physiology. But they are not supportive or relevant to the experiences she describes. The narrative is simply a large collection of terminology from divergent fields of investigation, used completely out of context, with the hope that enough technical words will make a convincing argument.

    As if the above points were not enough to drive away any potential service providers, just look at the very long list of people and organizations that she lists at the end of the video. This crude and blatant shaming of professionals is certainly not the way to elicit sympathy or assistance for one's problem. The only thing these people are guilty of is not allowing themselves to become a part of her problem, whatever that may be. This alone should be sufficient reason to cast this video into the waste bin and stay far, far away.

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  • electricity is power to us. You use it every day for a job household use ect..Believe me your thoughts are somewhat parinoid. This is by no means new and for the most part has been maybe better than the past. Is the noise coming for outside? (have utiliy check arestors connections,tracking, friend down the road, ect.) Inside? (check connections, loads, dimmers.) call in a good electrician. I seen a stupid dimmer make noise on a whole block. Don't fury your utility.Electricity Is To Taken For Granted use it safely. An AM band radio may be a usefull tool to sniff it out. DO YOU PART

    Thanks, pete

    electrian 10 years lineman 7 years

    pete b
    Reply to this comment

  • Charlie Kanjecki, District Health Officer from Northampton, Ma is someone who would be defending the people who have ignored our pleas for help and would have a vested interest in discrediting me and my family. If it is you Charlie, then shame on you because if you were truly informed about this situation you would know that your colleague at the Department Of Public Health in Boston believes that are serious problems here and is in the process of getting the case re opened. The evidence he has in his possession proves the Utilities are the source or sources. The DEP has failed to complete the proper pure tone testing according to the MA NOISE POLLUTION LAWS. This is way over your head.

    Reply to this comment
  • Reply from: Carol   
    I know the authorities or at least the civilian aspect don`t know what they are measuring: This comes under EMC Law (electromagnetic compatibility). Even those people who are complaining about the the hazards still measure this energy in Hertizian energy whereas: It has little to do with it. We are dealing with quantum forces not low level radiation.. The military close down wind turbines which run on this so called green or non-hertzian energy they give off so much radiation that they interfere with RaDAR at any height.. I`ve contacted Lord Hutton several times about the levels of radiation.. Our governments have one rule for the public at large and one rule for the MoD Trading Standards in the UK have been given the legisation to close factories and other placed using poorly controlled devices. But they think jobs are better than health and safety. They are supposed to buy in experts. The problem the experts don`t know what their using.

    However the aircraft as well as the pharmacuitical industry along with the aircon know these system work on whats called a reverse polarity system scalar waves because systems are too large to test. The people who install the eqauipment are basicing knowledge on a car engine rather than tesla technology or rife..

    Changes in polarity stop what we call modern technology from earthing so the electrostatic energy builds up. This energy works more on light and has been wrongly thought as low level radiation.. A slip of the tongue and a loss of info. around the 1930`s has allowed main stream science to use changing terminology.

    It like using the word Blue.. Blue means sad.. But it is also a color and a temperature..

    Low level radiation is being read in the wrong polarity or phase... It should be read from the south polarity not the north as we traditionly do.. Its been lost.

    Even mathmatics would give an understand new technology are over powered for the size... They suffer badly from talk back.. Its essentualy what`s called industry Stealth technology as you well know a stealth plane can not be detected by radar only by the heat of its engine... For something that normally goes undeteded in order for it to be detected it needs to be unmasked or decoded to have a chance of fining it with a meter....

    Implant technology and hearing research know this technology cause health issues.. But they don`t want to talk about it... In fact doctors go out of their way not to help or draw the power together. Here in part the NHS must have some infulence along with the government its turning a blind eye.. NHS equipment does not have to comply to BSI standards. MRI machines don`t comply to EMC/BSI but the HSE is turning a blind eye.

    Reply to Carol

  • All "health issues" regarding electricity, I dont mind a bit, since most are unsubstantiated. However, the author did point out that their utility is delivering "dirty power". Since there was no mention how the test was conducted, I cannot side with anyone in this issue. However, I would like to point out that harmonics in the power system is everybody's concern, not just the homeowners, not just the utilities. If the people concerned worked towards solving this problem, most of the other issues would be solved as well.

    Robbie Tan
    Reply to this comment

  • I think that I read somewhere that a problem with early generation large windmills was that they made a lot of aerodaynamic noise but at a much lower volume than a helicopter. What I have heard is that it took a lot of tinkering get large wildmill blades to go around without creating loud whooshing noises,

    Michael R. Cole
    Reply to this comment

  • I am continuously amazed at suburban and rural residents who believe that once they have esxtablished their homestead, the advance of civilization should cease. This applies, not only to residents who object to the hum of distribution transformers, but those who think that cell towers that are miles from thier home destroy "their" vista of the mountains. Their is a legitimate claim when a toxic waste dump or a pig farm tries to move next door... but roadways, powerlines, and cell towers serve everyone. One family does not have the right to halt progress because their pristine habitat may be disturbed.

    Reply to this comment

  • How was the noise measured? With a micophone, direct connection of an audio meter to a phone line? Inside the home? Next to the power line junction pole shown? What is meant by "Pure Tones?" Sounds like nothing pure but a combination of frequencies. thanks

    Reply to this comment

  • After review of the original post and the reply posts i offer the following. 1. I agree with the posts by Bob & Charles. 2. I believe one of the easiest ways to track this down is to eliminate potential sources by removing them one at a time until the noise hopefully ceases. (a)Start by observing, monitoring the reported noise. (b) Start turning off circuit breakers in the house main panel beginning with the 2 pole breakers and then the single pole's until all circuits are off finish by opening the main last. (c) Disconnect the telephone line next by unpluging the Jack at the customer interface box or having the phone service tech disconnect the incoming cable completely (d) Next disconnect the cable TV incomming cable at the ground block jack outside the house. 3. If the noise is still present after this you can turn your efforts to locating an outside source for the noise. Those should be fairly easy to determine and locate the direction they are comming from. 4.The list in item #5 are a few things that could be the outside source. (Don't laugh at the first one because it is a real possibility and was actually the source of a noise problem reported by many residents in a smal town in north Georgia.) The complaint by all was that it was a loud whining noise 24 hours a day coming from a city water pumping located at the river. The noise continued for several months and cost the city considerable time and moneys verifying that all of their electrical pumping equipment and VFD's were operating OK and not the source. The source of that noise was finally identified when all the Locusts finally mated and died. It was the year of the locust. 5. Locust,---High Voltage Transmission Lines nearby,---- Pumping station nearby with VFD's,----Sawmill nearby,---Industrial plant,----or a bad bearing on the earth's axis which God hasn't fixed yet.

    Good luck if none of these are the cause. LL

    Larry LeSueur CPQ, CBCP
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  • Completely aside from the claims about DSL, EMFs, etc. I can completely understand being driven batty by ambient noise. About four years ago I moved to a location above a river valley where there is a constant low roar. My theory is that the valley/bluffs serve as a giant amplifier for everything that happens down there. The roar is likely thanks to traffic on the multiple interstate highways in the valley. Also, there is a large railyard in the valley about three miles from my house (I live about a mile from the top of the bluffs): I can hear it when they ram cars together to hook them up. Basically, it is never quiet.

    I don’t know if this is the case in every state, but where I am noise is a nuisance regulated by the state pollution control agency. In my experience, noise can be well past what a reasonable person would perceive as a nuisance threshold, but still be well within PCA limits when it’s actually measured. If Dr. Becker is in a situation where is he is being asked to just live with a nuisance that should be addressed by a regulatory agency, but they can’t or won’t deal with it, I can see some justifiable anger on his part. That said, if his home is that remote the agency probably has much bigger fish to fry, i.e.: cases that affect many more people to a much greater degree.

    Joe Bob
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  • As a compliance engineer, I certify my employer's products to CISPR11, 12, 22,24, and the CFRs that are refered to as 'FCC' (mostly part 15 and 68).

    Unless there is empirical data, this is just another example of Bad Science - e.g., cold fusion...

    Reply to this comment

  • Mike, the use of an AM radio is classic and almost a standard tool to use, especially if it as a low quality radio that is easily swamped by e noise. I use one to locate sources of VFD noise. Another thing---lots of e noise is from low energy arcing between the many wires on poles that are not current carrying items, like guy wires. These things are indifferently grounded and even if grounded, they are not bonded together. Ground is a relative thing and small stray voltages cause low energy arcing of these wires touching each other. The AM radio picks this up right away. No one considers this, in my view.

    kevin cassidy
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  • I am unable to view video at work, but I have a question: Does the noise increase with humidity? Check this link:

    Mark Prairie
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  • deal with it or go move to the moon

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  • Reply from: Sandaur   
    We are dealing with it. Isn't that obvious. LOL
    Reply to Sandaur


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  • Ok your trying for a New Low Point. I think your watching to many YouTube video's. Don't have any real work to do??

    Come on this is crap, a picture of a pole and noise to go with it.

    Let me guess, next week it's the sound of a toilet flushing and a video of it also. DSL, and all forms of telecommunication, including wireless, are keeping this guy awake......hahaha. Tell him he needs to change his medication and hit him on the head with a baseball bat and he'll sleep all night.

    Only the Lord knows what's next.

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  • Reply from: sandaura   
    Another profound comment from the "Miss Link."
    Reply to sandaura

  • My computer temporarily not playing sounds. Will try later.

    What is the frequency of this sound? Knowing that can help find the source.

    When induction motors are started using a variable frequency drive to start at low frequency and then ramp up to high frequency, the motor makes a high pitched whine until the rotor starts turning at 15 Hertz ( 1/4 nominal speed ).

    Michael R. Cole
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  • So if I own a home with High Tension Power Lines running right behind my family is in danger of health issues?

    Ken Smith
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  • Reply from: sandaura   
    Ken, please read studies to determine your own health risk, but you could have some issues!
    Reply to sandaura

    Reply from: Sandaura   
    A man called me from Ct. He lives right next to high tension wires and the City built a substation recently in his neighborhood. He has a brain tumor, his wife has bone cancer, his daughter is stricken with migraines and his son has A D D. This is the new modern day RF family. Welcome to reality. This is not paranoia. What we are experiencing here is not something that was here a few years ago. What we are living with is real and is man made and the utilities are responsible to fix it. Most lineman are not educated in Power Quality and most electricians don't even know what a Dranetz power monitor is.
    Reply to Sandaura

  • this is an area that deffinately needs to be studied

    Reply to this comment
  • Reply from: Sandaur   
    Finally, a comment by someone with common sense, who has not been brainwashed. Thanks

    Reply to Sandaur

  • There are likely some pebbles of truth in this long article. Sadly, the author uses so many global statements (which are seldom correct), half truths and emotional "baiting" that I feel compelled to ingnore his discussion.

    John W (EE)
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  • Reply from: sandaura   
    The only global statement is that this is happening globally, but our interest is in mitigating our own problem and raising awareness of unregulated issues.
    Reply to sandaura

  • Another hysterical mindless subgroup to add to the mindless "man is causing climate change" crowd - probably many of the same nuts involved in both. Jim

    Jim Shafer
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  • Reply from: Sandaur   
    Well, a lot of good will come of all this ignorance. Really flushing out the idiots here.
    Reply to Sandaur

  • I don't think that vid is accurate!! I have to agree with some earlier posts, sounds more like an industrial noise to me or maybe motor noise from the recorder itself. I gotta call" BS" on this one!! Sorry.

    John Johnson
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  • Reply from: Sandaura   
    Scarey stuff, I am hearing here. What happen to the purity of scientific study. I have presented evidence of Dranetz monitoring. Do you know what that Is, lol?

    Sorry, if you hold a degree in electrical engineering are charging for your services.
    Reply to Sandaura

  • WHAT?? How do we get from DSL to dirty power to audible noise? I think this guys answer is a tin foil hat.

    Hal Bissinger
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  • Reply from: Sandaur   
    This must be way over most of your heads not to grasp there are mulitiple issues we are experiencing.

    It is a complex issue that requires knowledge in acoustics, electrical and the RF field. The comments again, reveal that we need to take a serious look at how we need to educate the "expterts", so that responsible evaluation and mitigation can be completed.

    The noise recorded is electrical. It is what is radiating on the power lines.
    Reply to Sandaur

  • Unfortunately most people have a hidden agenda.The noise on Youtube doesn't sound like electrical noise to me. Too low a frequency. However, there IS a lot more electrical noise in the distribution system than 20 years ago, mainly from motors running (not just starting) on VFDs. Utilities recognize the problem, not because of the annoyance (real) or health (possible) factors but because of the losses and spikes transmitted into the system. Users of large motors running on VFDs have to install harmonic filters to satisfy the utility. My ceiling fan in the living room is a standard 3 speed unit but I also have a wall mounted speed control. When that is delivering less than line voltage (chopping it with a thyristor) the motor complains very loudly and annoyingly. I don't know if it's a health hazard. To be quite honest, three fixed speeds and direction change would provide more than enough control if I either extended the control strings (simple zero cost solution) or wired all speeds and direction control to an accessible position on the wall (too much work). The complainant clearly embraces modern technology- she posted a video on Youtube and seems to have DSL. Giving her the benefit of the doubt- is the noise annoying? Seems so, but my snoring is also annoying. Is it a health hazard? Difficult to tell but my wife can at least escape from my snoring by getting up and moving into the guest room for the rest of the night. Is ac more dangerous than dc? Thomas Edison reckoned it was but he had a purely commercial agenda and was a competitor/enemy of Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse. We have actually reduced electronic pollution by the use of flat screen displays for TVs and computers. I think that the jury is still out regarding high frequencies from DSL, VFDs, electronic ballasts, wireless phones and excessive cell phone use. The problem is getting independent studies carried out. It's easy to go out and buy an $100 instrument to measure RFI and then charge people $50/hr to check out their compact flourescent bulbs and $45 each for 50c plug in filters. I had a neighbour who made a killing in 1999 on the back of the milleneum factor selling generators and software "services". When I told him (in 1999) that it was all BS, he agreed with me. We're back to hidden agendas again.

    Trevor Armstrong
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  • Reply from: sandaura   
    No hidden agenda on our part. All the facts are pretty straightforward and the lack of response from utilities, lack of attempts to mitigate shows disinterest in providing helpful assessments. Perhaps that is where the hidden agenda is. You are right we need more studies, and this is a complex case. We have done extensive work to reduce all other factors including variable speed equipment/dimmers/wireless. etc... And you don't need DSL to subscribe to Youtube. Having it installed in our neighborhood is enough.
    Reply to sandaura

  • Well maybe. Marco Polo was laughed at when returned from the far east with tales of rocks that burned. There is much the same concern with light pollution.

    Tom Baker
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  • "DSL, and all forms of telecommunication, including wireless, must be grounded to the electric utility company's neutral wire to operate." That's a patently false statement. This guy needs better investigators, and a life.

    Martin Shoemaker
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  • Reply from: Sandaura   
    Your response is typical of someone that has no clue. Your ignorance regarding our real problems represents the need for further research and honest science into the study of pure tones and RF emissions.

    Your insensivitiy to our unfortunate circumstances indicates you have never experienced what we are going through. So you either are just closed minded or you have a vested interest to dismiss the truth.
    Reply to Sandaura

  • It seems unlikely that one could hear any DSL-generated noise component since DSL operates at frequencies from 25khz - 1.1Mhz. These are well above the range of human hearing, and I suspect any harmonics would be higher still. Further, it's hard to believe that the frequency modulated signals would somehow interact with transmission lines to result in a "pure frequency" that would cause the mechanical vibration necessary to produce sound.

    With the exception of a Russian study of personnel exposed to radar (the effects of which are not scientifically disputed), the author's citations primarily consider only low frequency signals of 50 to 60 Hz.

    I have heard low frequency tones from power lines, too. It was caused when wind blowing through the long spans vibrated them like guitar strings. The sound might annoy some people, but I doubt there are serious health risks associated with it. Maybe someone should do a study?

    Paul Lazorko
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