This article was posted 11/30/2006 and is most likely outdated.

Earth Grounding

Topic - Grounding and Bonding
- Earth Grounding

November 30, 2006  

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Earth Grounding claims that there are extensive health benefits associated with a person’s direct contact with the earth or ground. The website explains, “When one’s bare skin touches the earth, a flow of free electrons from the earth travels all throughout the person’s body, instantly neutralizing free radicals. Better than the best antioxidants known to man, this direct quenching of free radicals via earth grounding, instantly reduces stress, and all types of free radical damage.”

Mike Holt Comment: I'm sure that after you read the 'claims' on this website you'll be just cracking up. But you know, it reminds me of some of the grounding claims made by some electrical equipment manufactures, as well as some of the grounding design systems I've seen. Enjoy and remember that 'Grounding' can solve any problem, including inflammation...


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  • Mike: Perhaps we all may be eating our words soon. I reckon we have to give some credence to those have tried it. After all you can deny the theory of gravity until you jump off a ladder. I would be a poor hand for the experiment though cause I sleep well. That’s what a clear conscience will do for you. Lol .

    Fred Madden
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  • I don't think this study is anything new. I happen to have an old "Practical Compend of Electricity" illustrated by Laird and Lee, Chicago. It claims to be a "Thorough Instruction in Theory and Application" of electricity, and lists the great electricians: Count Volta, Ben Franklin, A M Ampere, G S Ohm, Z T Gramme, S F B Morse, T A Edison, Lord Kelvin, and others. Since I attribute much of what we know to these great electricians I find little of much interest in the above comments. In my treasure of a book I can find many useful items - including how to treat Baldness, Bunions, Bladder weakness, Change of Life (Your grounded - or bonded wife), Diarrhea (from reading these comments), Dropsy, Hysteria (My wife if I try to ground/bond our bed), Headache (from these comments by untrained electricians),Lumbago, Sleeplessness "Place positive electrode at the nape of the neck and gently sponge the whole body with the negative, using a mild secondary current" QUOTE!!! So, with my limited knowledge I do believe with a grounded/ bonded bed you may "Short Circuit". Or very rapidly come awake! Now we all know that would not make for a very restful night - you would be asleep on your feet all the next day. Oh - If by chance you have worms...... I have the cure for that in my book. It's in chapter XV - Electricity as Applied to Medicine, under "Treatment Of Specific Diseases". And no, I am not a Free Radical on the loose - Just a master electrician who spent a lifetime in the trade, now retired, and is still willing to learn - and laugh. Are we in good company or not - Count Volta and Lord Kelvin.....

    Rod Johnson
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  • Mike, I've read the website about Earthing, do you think with your infinite influence you can get Lance Armstrong to comment on this? Being an avid cyclist myself I bet a lot of people, you and I included, would have a change of heart on this issue.

    Best of health to you Mike, Thank you for keeping the Electrical Industry at it’s best.

    Christopher Sparks
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  • Hey Mike, I'm not sure who you are, but it's obvious you have never tried this product. I have been using it for 6 months, and the relief I've expereinced has truely been nothing short of incredible. My pain from degenerative arthritis has greatly diminished, as has other pain issues associated with PMS. I can only say that I am no scientist, but I know what works for me. It's obvious it has reduced inflammation in my body, and as we are learning that inflammation is the root cause of the many of the major diseases we face today....I wouldn't knock it till you've tried it! Debra M

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  • I found this paper here for free. It's $29 elsewere.

    A guest editorial by James L. Oschman PhD preceeds it.

    The biologic effects of grounding the human body during sleep as measured by cortisol levels and subjective reporting of sleep, pain, and stress.

    Ghaly M, Teplitz D.

    It seems at least worthy of more study don't you think? I haven't been able to find any other study of the effects of grounding to Earth on health.


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  • You could put like a mesh under the carpet and flooring and hook it up to ground and have like a “healthy house”.

    Seriously, is there any easy way to measure flow of electrons to the body from a device like this? Seems like flow of electrons is commonly known as electric current, yes?

    “The earth is electric, constantly providing trillions of electrons per second and natural frequencies.” – or so they say.

    So does DC current have frequency associated with it? Seems like no, unless it is a variation in current level over time (like an audio signal – can we just hook ourselves up to some speaker wires?). And what exactly constitutes a “natural frequency” versus an unnatural one ? So could we get one of these and hook a volt meter to it? Or just put a wire in the ground and hold onto it and check it with a volt meter?

    If we hooked it up to an amp and speaker would it be a soothing sound (Hey, I claim a patent on this idea :-) )?

    Freaky and Mystical stuff.

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  • Grounding yourself is probably more healthy for your electronic equipment than for your body.

    Oh yeah, before sleeping with your Skil Saw:

    1. Remove the blade.

    2. Cut some of the wires inside or make yourself a grounding only extension cord.

    When I was a kid, I learned the hard way that potato slicers are wickedly sharp. Required a middle of the night trip to the emergency room and a few stitches.

    Mike Cole, mc5w at earthlink dot net

    Michael R.Cole
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  • I was as sceptical as all of you. My aunt told me about this. So, I googled it to look for debunking articles. I found this NIH site: Made we wonder.

    Mark Berger
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  • I own a Barefoot pad and it really works as advertized. At home sleeping with my pad I sleep all night without waking, When I travel without pad I wake 5 or 6 times a night. Last three times I traveled I carried pad and slept all night. I think you should know what you are talking about before you belittle someone so !

    James Golden
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  • Three are similar claims made for magnets, used in clothes, beds, shoes etc. However, according to the Skeptical Enquirer, the blood is not magnetic and these claims can not be proved. If you have access to the magazine Skeptical Enquirer at your library, it debunks many of this type of claim

    Tom Baker
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  • Mike, These curious artefacts:magnetic bracelets,beads,chains etc including the earthing beds exist because there is some health benefit to many of those using them.But whether those health benefits are due to those things or due to autosuggestion is yet to be found out by science.

    T.M.Haja sahib
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  • I could not help but notice that one of the "testimonials" is from a man I know (and respect) personally. ["Bill M" (Moss) of Layton Utah.] Last time I saw him he had just finished running a full Marathon in Logan UT.. Almost made me a believer. . . . In watching him walk, I'm certain he was not pain free then!

    I sleep in a second story bedroom in an area with frequent summer lightning storms. I don't like the Idea of becoming part of a low impedance path for lightning to earth!

    If all that is required is that you (re-)establish your connection to mother earth, simply plug your old bonded case skill saw into any three prong 120 volt outlet and use it as a "foot warmer" (?) in your bed. Try this first to save your money! ( Be prepared to ignore "the look" and comments from your wife!)

    Robert Gibby
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  • As a tradition we are oblised to leave footware, socks and all that as we enter temple (place of worship or else) and as we enter houses. May be grounding is in-built in this custom. Many a times cold water rinse is given as we enter temples or houses that would increase conductivity.

    Chengalva Sitapati Rao
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  • This reminds me of some of the patent medicine products that I used to listen on powerful Mexico radio stations late at night. I am surprised that there are no magnets involved! P. T. Barnum would be proud!

    JIm Cook
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  • This is a great morning chuckle. It's sad that science is this poorly understood by the gullible public.

    By the way, send me lots of money - I am selling conductive sheets and pillowcases.

    Gerry Carroll
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  • I don't know.......there's something special about being in touch with "Mother Earth". She may very well have healing powers we are not in "contact" with. Gandhi said the farmers life, in the soil,...." is the life worth living". The world's oldest people are Chinese farmers. We've heard about orienting your bed to be head-to-toe in line with the earth's North-South magnetic field (or was it South-North?). The Cheyenne Indians, who call themselves the "human beings" respect the healing powers of the earth, the wind, and water. I don't know....what about the curative powers of the famous "mud baths" of napa Valley? There's a truth "buried" in there somewhere....

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  • I think I heard somewhere that driving a ground rod will solve most any problem. Maybe even word hunger and world peace (middle east crisis)? LOL . Thanks Mike for the good laugh.

    Paul Allen
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  • Mike, does this system have to meet 25 ohm or less, also would you need to bond metal studs to the MATTRESS!! This is a HOOT!!!!

    J. Johnson
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  • I think I will forward this web site to the Facility V.P. so we can rip the floors out and stand on the earth to remove stress. Then as the benifit we can add more responsibility to everyone since they are stress free. LOL!

    Mike Borneman
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  • What a hoot! I guess we better include this information when we teach grounding vs. bonding!

    Phil Simmons
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  • This is an interesting website, what has happened to this counrty... Below I copied a paragraph from the disclaimer at teh bottom of the sleep-earthed website. Check out the last two sentences. And I thought carbon fiber was an insolator, not a conductor...

    "The Barefoot Pad is categorized as a personal bedding or foot pad item with a ground connection. It conducts electrons naturally present in the earth, through an earth connection device through a grounding wire and through the soft, carbon fibers of the pad and thus facilitates obtaining a “grounded to earth condition” for someone whose feet are touching the pad fibers. No health benefit claims are made for this conductive pad. The only claim for this pad is that it will conduct electrons present in the earth."

    Todd Runkle
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  • Drive a ground rod!!!!!

    Jeff LoGiudice
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  • These people are really out there, or are trying to scam the public. Any chance of lighning coming back at the poor person lying in bed with this ground wire hooked up to it?

    John Madia
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  • Junk. Pure Junk!! If not, Perhaps those metal helmets with antenna in the old movies are of value. Anybody feeling better following use of grounding wrist straps? Gee, Why not???

    Tall Bill
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  • Wonder what our street people would say about the health benefits of sleeping on the sidewalk vs sleeping in a bed, off the ground?

    Al Kellough
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  • Funny, I don't remember feeling that refreshed after the umpteenth night in a two-man fighting position, and there I was in the ground.

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  • Well...I guess it's better that having to cadweld an EGC to my thumb and drag it on the dirt behind me. I wonder if this lack of grounding gets even MORE unhealthy when you're in an airplane...since you're so far from the ground.

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  • After you finish laughing about the claims, scroll down to the end of the web page to see the disclaimer. Then click on the link to the complete disclaimer. Not so funny to those that get ripped off into buying the product and then later find out that they should have read the disclaimer.

    Mike Cahill
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  • I've heard of people bonding. But, I thought that had an entirely different meaning.

    Fred Madden
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  • It appears to me that I could accomplish the same thing, for much less money, if I just sleep with my feet in the pockets of my portable ESD mat. It usually travels with me, anyway. Of course I could just use the wrist strap attached to the wall plug adaptor and make sure I don't roll over too many times. I think 3M is missing a marketing opportunity, here.

    Dan Hull
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