Do Not Text and Drive  


Eleven teenagers die every day as a result of texting and driving, and yet that doesn't stop people from doing it. 1.6 million crashes are a result of texting while driving - and 21 percent of teen drivers involved in fatal crashes were using their cell phone behind the wheel. But it's not limited to teens, and it starts with you.


Click here or on the image for a sobering reminder of what can happen; the video is a part of AT&Ts "It Can Wait" Campaign.


Mike Holt's Comment: If you still text while driving - I hope after you watch the video you’ll recommit to never send another text message while driving. Let’s help make the world a little safer because of our personal decisions.



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Copyright© Mike Holt Enterprises of Leesburg, Inc. All Rights Reserved This article is protected by United States copyright laws and may not be published without prior written permission.
Mike Holt Enterprises of Leesburg, Inc. 3604 Parkway Blvd. Suite 3 Leesburg, FL 34748
"... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." [Joshua 24:15]
  • Mike very moving. The problem I have with AT&Ts approach, and all other phone manufactures and cell phone providers, is that they could stop driving and texting by making it not operable when the phone is moving. But we all know that isn't going to happen. We all know their excuses, "that wouldn't be fair to everyone else in the car. Let alone the people on subways, buses, and trains. Isn't that kind of like the tobacco industry saying "we put the warnings on the package. So it's not are fault people are dieing " So is it about saving lives or making money.

    Jim Burbridge  December 20 2016, 10:37 pm EST
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  • Excellent reality minute. Thanks. Mike for all you do outside of business. Merry. Christmas and keep it up

    John Hagberg  December 20 2016, 8:53 pm EST
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  • This is a very good eye opening for all not just the young. I have seen so call adults texting and it truly hurts to see. One other point the enforcement of the law needs to be acted on more. These videos need to be shown in all schools.

    Howard Henderson  December 20 2016, 4:04 pm EST
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  • I have my phone set for "auto response" while driving. " I am driving now, I will respond later"

    my phone is disabled from texting while moving. an option on the Droid phones!

    David  December 20 2016, 3:13 pm EST
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  • Thanks Mike. I know I've been guilty. These reminders keep me on point.

    God Bless and Merry Christmas!!

    Kevin  December 20 2016, 1:29 pm EST
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  • The sad truth is almost everyone texts and drives, not just teens. Truck drivers, law enforcement, bus drivers, train conductors...everyone. So until the phone manufacturers disable phones while in motion, yes believe or not phones know when they are moving, this will practice continue and get more ingrained into society.I see it everyday driving and I am sure everyone else does too if observant of others on the road. My GPS in my car doesn't allow changes when moving so phones can be deactivated for texting as well.

    Mike   December 20 2016, 8:12 am EST
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  • Thank you so very much, Mike Holt, for caring to make it a safer world. Small things always matter. Caring makes a big difference. Thank you, sir, so very much. All the best and all the respect.

    Mariam Armanious  December 20 2016, 8:07 am EST
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  • almost had me crying. I don't text. but, I do take and make phone calls hands free. I'm going to try to stop doing that. god bless.

    doug  December 19 2016, 8:32 pm EST
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